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Solved Video Editing SPro3 Problems


New Member
Hello all, Let me preface this by saying I completely understand the limitations of a Spro3 compared to a full video rig. That being said I seriously need some help here. I have a Spro3 I5 version with all the updates and everything along those lines. I of course installed Adobe CC and began to utilize Premier pro. I set the ram usage for premier to 6G and "other" tasks at 2G per the preferences panel in Premier pro. The problem that I have is there is MAJOR stuttering when playing back the timeline video. There was so much stuttering that I actually cancelled my CC membership and got Powerdirector 13 thinking that would serve me better. Well, I'm having the same issue there as well. Playback of the timeline is HORRENDOUS. Were not talking anything crazy here either. I'm talking video filmed in 1920x1080 60fps with no more than 2 clips and 4 fade in fade outs of transitions. Think your average youtube Vlog and you basically got the point. I'm pretty sure I'm not loading down the machine with such a basic video but I cant figure out what in the hell is going on. Obviously once the file is rendered everything is great but its the scrubbing of the timeline and watching the clip take place that is so bad its almost pointless to even try and edit video on this damn thing. Someone help me here... a lot of you say your not having any problems with CC and basic video editing but my question is what about your timeline? do I need different video drivers or something what the heck is going on!

thanks in advance
Hello all, Let me preface this by saying I completely understand the limitations of a Spro3 compared to a full video rig. That being said I seriously need some help here. I have a Spro3 I5 version with all the updates and everything along those lines. I of course installed Adobe CC and began to utilize Premier pro. I set the ram usage for premier to 6G and "other" tasks at 2G per the preferences panel in Premier pro. The problem that I have is there is MAJOR stuttering when playing back the timeline video. There was so much stuttering that I actually cancelled my CC membership and got Powerdirector 13 thinking that would serve me better. Well, I'm having the same issue there as well. Playback of the timeline is HORRENDOUS. Were not talking anything crazy here either. I'm talking video filmed in 1920x1080 60fps with no more than 2 clips and 4 fade in fade outs of transitions. Think your average youtube Vlog and you basically got the point. I'm pretty sure I'm not loading down the machine with such a basic video but I cant figure out what in the hell is going on. Obviously once the file is rendered everything is great but its the scrubbing of the timeline and watching the clip take place that is so bad its almost pointless to even try and edit video on this damn thing. Someone help me here... a lot of you say your not having any problems with CC and basic video editing but my question is what about your timeline? do I need different video drivers or something what the heck is going on!

thanks in advance

Welcome to the forum!

What's your Task Manager showing when you're trying to scrub?
It's not happening so much on a scrub as it is when I'm watching playback. Usually if a pop a video into the timeline from my gopro and hit play it will play fine (although I had to drop the preview play back to "standard" from "Hd" otherwise I have the same problem) the second I put a transition somewhere on the time line I understand it has to render that transition but even after waiting 10 min the playback function is still super choppy. My MBP 2011 wouldn't struggle for no longer than 1 min during heavy application of transitions and the playback would be silky after wards so obviously buying something 4 years newer I assumed even though the GPU is obviously onboard instead of dedicated that it would actually be better. As for the Task manager I will have to put a video in there tonight when I get home and check that to give a better foundation to troubleshoot.

Honestly I was at work and I thought about how frustrating this is and started searching and figured I better get this posted before I forget!
It's not happening so much on a scrub as it is when I'm watching playback. Usually if a pop a video into the timeline from my gopro and hit play it will play fine (although I had to drop the preview play back to "standard" from "Hd" otherwise I have the same problem) the second I put a transition somewhere on the time line I understand it has to render that transition but even after waiting 10 min the playback function is still super choppy. My MBP 2011 wouldn't struggle for no longer than 1 min during heavy application of transitions and the playback would be silky after wards so obviously buying something 4 years newer I assumed even though the GPU is obviously onboard instead of dedicated that it would actually be better. As for the Task manager I will have to put a video in there tonight when I get home and check that to give a better foundation to troubleshoot.

Honestly I was at work and I thought about how frustrating this is and started searching and figured I better get this posted before I forget!

Ok yeah, I'm interested in what the Task Manager is showing, when you are doing whatever you're doing that's causing the complaint.
Ill tell you what ill take a video tonight of what it does and ill upload it to my channel in a private view and post that for you to look at. I look forward to seeing if you have any ideas or maybe know of what I'm missing here.
so as I was making that screen recording so you could see everything I had going on... it clicked "i wonder if intel has some new drivers out" then I found a reddit thread talking about how to manually push an update to the intel drivers. Long story short I did that and now everything is functioning flawlessly (for now) atleast with the general quick stuff I threw into the timeline of powerdirector to check... Apparently the windows update doesn't pull the latest updates from intel? there was a new driver as of 6/15/15 that was not installed via the windows updater as I stated it made a HUGE difference... Normally my CPU usage even just sitting on the homescreen at idle was 30% usage... now I am hovering around 3-6% as I am typing this to you. Plus I get the added bonus of using the Intel drivers to change my aspect ratios among many other things... overall disappointed in Microsoft for not having this aspect squared away but all in all happy that I was able to resolve the issue from what I can tell.
so as I was making that screen recording so you could see everything I had going on... it clicked "i wonder if intel has some new drivers out" then I found a reddit thread talking about how to manually push an update to the intel drivers. Long story short I did that and now everything is functioning flawlessly (for now) atleast with the general quick stuff I threw into the timeline of powerdirector to check... Apparently the windows update doesn't pull the latest updates from intel? there was a new driver as of 6/15/15 that was not installed via the windows updater as I stated it made a HUGE difference... Normally my CPU usage even just sitting on the homescreen at idle was 30% usage... now I am hovering around 3-6% as I am typing this to you. Plus I get the added bonus of using the Intel drivers to change my aspect ratios among many other things... overall disappointed in Microsoft for not having this aspect squared away but all in all happy that I was able to resolve the issue from what I can tell.

The driver you get from Micorosft isn't the same driver that you get from Intel. The one from MS has been tweaked for some power improvements and for compatibility with Connected Standby. The one from Intel of course is their general driver for that specific graphics set. Many users on this forum use one, or the other.

It's great that you got your issue resolved!