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Who plans to buy a HoloLens as soon as a retail version becomes available?

how could you not be excited, are you technophobic? the possibilities are boundless! I'm drooling to get my hands on one of these bad boys! its going to bring watching movies or even gaming to a whole new level! I can't wait!! but to be an early adopter unless free I will hold off till all the bugs are ironed out....
how could you not be excited, are you technophobic? the possibilities are boundless! I'm drooling to get my hands on one of these bad boys! its going to bring watching movies or even gaming to a whole new level! I can't wait!! but to be an early adopter unless free I will hold off till all the bugs are ironed out....
Yeah, that's it, I'm technophobic.;)

Another technology that has a long way to go before it's of any value. HoloLens might be useful in certain applications, such as in the medical and engineering fields, but has no practical use for me. I wouldn't buy it simply because it's a cool parlor trick.
As above. I see little value in what any of the VR offerings are providing.

As it is though, i have absolutely no interest in VR. Just one more tool to remove us from reality. IT is depressing enough to see how peoples world is now their mobile phone, not the things going on around them, now people will be even further removed. Nope. I love technology but i feel that it is beginning to have a really adverse impact on society.

It's professional application is a different thing though. This could do wonders for training for doctors etc.