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  1. S

    configuring settings to meet minimal requirements for apps

    That was part of the problem. As it turns out, I also had not updated my tablet to 8.1 since it had been bought on black Friday. So I had to go through and update everything in the month that the device had been dormant. Thank you so so much for your help!
  2. S

    configuring settings to meet minimal requirements for apps

    Ok, so I got my new Windows 8 surface tablet and I consider myself pretty tech savvy. However, I have no idea how to get apps! Every time I go to the store to get an app, I cannot download it because in place of the 'try it or buy it' button, there is a message saying I 'have not met the minimal...
  3. S

    Difficulty with Configuring Settings

    Also I couldn't figure out how to start a new thread on the home page so I guess it's safe to conclude I am windows impaired
  4. S

    Difficulty with Configuring Settings

    nevermind I posted this in the wrong place and I don't know how to delete threads