Search results

  1. L

    Insert pictures directly from camera

    Someone has made a rudimentary add-on to bring the camera function back to desktop OneNote: OneNote Desktop Version Cam AddIn • /r/OneNote Cheers.
  2. L

    Improving SSD performance

    Indeed. If anyone has a contact at MS, can you please write them why is this implemented? Cheers.
  3. L

    Improving SSD performance

    Microsoft just released a firmware update: Noticed via this Reddit thread: Reddit link removed as a violation of the forum guidelines
  4. L

    New Surface Dock - USB Port Powered Up When No Surface is Connected?

    Provided that the dock is powered, do the USB ports on the dock supply power when no Surface device is connected? That the ports can be used to charge other devices like smartphones and/or tablets? Thanks in advance.