
  1. macmee

    Can we talk about battery life? Microsoft says "up to 9 hours"

    Microsoft's website says "up to 9 hours of battery life" the best I ever got was 7:30 hours on windows 8, and never more than 5 hours on windows 10. Has anyone actually gotten 9 hours or does that sound as impossible to you as it does to me? Also you might say: "but they say up to" and that's...
  2. O

    I switched from a MacBook Pro to a Surface Pro 3 one month ago

    Hi all, I'm new here. Found the forum when Googling for some issues I was having. Anyway, one month ago I was 'forced' to switch to a Surface Pro 3 from my Retina MacBook Pro. Can read about it all here - I switched from a MacBook Pro to a Surface Pro 3 – One Month In – From the blog...