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Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

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Well-Known Member
Real professionals don't take "almost" for an answer. If you want to accept Mediocrity and "good enough" for an answer, fine. If this were some $300 - $400 tablet I'd be willing to overlook many of the problems.

You are right. Real Pro do not come to a forum looking for an answer.

Besides that Mediocrity and Perfection are relative concept that depend on each individual's perception. For you the SP3 is Mediocre. For me it's perfect.


Well-Known Member
Unless a device is going to save your life or make you oodles of money, what's the point of exchanging and exchanging and exchanging and exchanging and...? Why continue to be miserable and unhappy if the product keeps disappointing and failing you? Return it for a refund if you can; otherwise, try to sell it and get as much back as you can.

And, yes, it is true that nothing human-made is ever perfect. As a consumer, you have to judge whether a product with its inherent flaws and weaknesses is "good enough" for your User Case; what's "good enough" for you may definitely not be "good enough" for me.

Today I was researching a new router and just when I thought I stumbled on what was going to be my leading candidate for purchase, I read a line in the review indicating that the router does not allow you to store client names in the DHCP Reservation list. Now, to me, that's not "good enough" and I immediately crossed it off my list--but that's me; others may not see this as a flaw whatsoever.
I could not have said it better.


Active Member
It is a compliment that it attracts people who have nothing better to do than whinge that after so many returns it's still no good.

Apple have faced this for years in spite of producing good products.

The odds of major issues are probably close to a single percent of SP3 devices so multiple returns mean either someone is incredibly unlucky or it isn't quite what it seems to be.


Active Member
1 - I had ZERO issues when the SP3 first came out. ZERO. Then, as I have said countless times, when the firmware updates came in, many saw their machines perform worse, not better. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to do a little research and discover that fact.

2- I abandoned the MacAir line in search of a better device for mobile use. I am responsible for these tasks for my company and deploying more than 30 of these for field sales personnel. I am tired of "almost good enough" and in business, almost doesn't cover it. Not saying it needs to be perfect, but it needs to be closer given the cost associated with a potential $35K investment for a small company such as ours

3 - These boards and other forums are meant for fanboys to pet their new devices and talk about how great they are? Do me a favor. Read the threads and tell me how many of them are positive vs those that have concerns or serious issues./questions that need to be answered. People like you that close their eyes to the obvious are why Microsoft suffers in this arena. I'm not a huge fan of Apple for Enterprise but one thing they do..they don't settle for "good enough" and that's why they dominate the cell phone industry and tablets. It's why the consistently receive the best marks for customer service and reliability.

I'm looking for something where I pay $1500 and receive what I have paid for. Now, if that's good enough for you, great. More power to you. I want this to work. I do. I have spent countless hours "fixing" the issues and receiving now my 3rd device. That's 3 different devices to try and solve the issues.

Real professionals don't take "almost" for an answer. If you want to accept Mediocrity and "good enough" for an answer, fine. If this were some $300 - $400 tablet I'd be willing to overlook many of the problems.

Hopefully and for the sake of MS they don't think like you but I have my doubts.

I 'liked' your post cuz I see where you are coming from. It sucks to be in the IT dept. I would hate to support 30+ sales guys. Most of the time, they don't even know how to use a device. Good luck with that.

However, I do consider myself a real professional. I'm one of those sales guys. Real professionals need devices that make work more productive and organized. The SP3 does both. The SP3 is not 'almost' for me and others. It is exactly what we need to make our professional lives less complicated.

Perhaps you should move over to sales and enjoy life. :)


Well-Known Member
Now that everyone has had their say, this thread needs to be put to bed.

To the OP- I truly wish you the best of luck and that you find the awesome device that makes you happy!
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