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Graphene Battery Breakthrough Could Mean Triple Powered Batteries by End of 2016 [May be a Scam]


Editor in Chief
[Update: Sadly, after doing a bit more digging, it seems that this may be a scam. A Chinese company is investing heavily in the tech, but they may be the ones getting scammed by the company in Yecla. It's a shame this isn't closer to reality than this, but it is still something we will likely see in the future.]

The big battery breakthrough the entire world has been hoping for might be upon us. A Spanish company named Graphenano, based in Yecla (Murcia), will supposedly start consumer mass production on a new graphene polymer battery by the end of 2016. This new battery tech supposedly has nearly triple the energy density of traditional lithium-ion batteries. Specifically, the graphene polymer batteries have a density of 1,000 Wh / kg and a voltage of 2.3V.

Grapheno's new battery is primarily meant for electric cars and supposedly achieves 800 kilometers with a weight of just 100 kilograms. What's even more impressive is that the battery will supposedly charge from a conventional outlet in only 1/3 of the time required by a lithium-ion-lithium equivalent. Additionally, the battery could be made to charge in as little as 5 minutes with a high-density plug.

To put this in perspective, if you replaced the batteries in a Tesla Model S with this graphene polymer technology, the Tesla's range would increase from 334 to 1,013 kilometers. There is one more benefit to these new batteries beyond the incredible efficiency. The graphene polymer batteries supposedly are not prone to explosions like lithium batteries. It will be interesting to see just how expensive this new technology is at launch. If they aren't too pricey to make, we could see a technological revolution sweep across the planet in a short period of time.

Source: Next Big Future: Spanish company Graphenano claims Graphene Polymer batteries with triple the energy density of lithium ion and commercialization by end of 2016
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