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Laptop & iPad -> SP3

I have tried to install KB2968599 several times both manually and via Windows Update. That doesn't seem to be the issue. I'm really out of ideas, and will just leave it with MS to see if they come back with anything useful.
I have tried to install KB2968599 several times both manually and via Windows Update. That doesn't seem to be the issue. I'm really out of ideas, and will just leave it with MS to see if they come back with anything useful.
What did IT say, were they able to reproduce the problem or is it only yours?
Actually, I just paired my iphone and it shows "Connected" I also see that I have two more driver errors under "Other devices": MAP MAS-iOS and Wireless iAP.

Despite the Surface Pen showing up OK under Bluetooth (Device Manager), I get an error when pairing:
To resolve an intractable problem first isolate it to the correct box.
In this case there are 3 boxes: Pen, Surface, and Software.
You tried two pens, seems likely its not the Pen although I once encountered 3 pieces of equipment with the exact same problem.
You really need to try another Surface.

I didn't get a warm feeling form the earlier response about being the only one affected... that's not the same as tested and verified a pen works on another Surface with the same build. The devil is in the details.