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Surface Pro 4 Vs Ipad Pro

Your S3 can be sold on ebay or craigslist. Just because BB won't offer you anything doesn't mean it's not worth anything.
It sounds to me like you picked the wrong product. If it's lagging at a certain task that you needed, then a more capable processor or more ram should've been a consideration when you purchased. Not purchase the lowest cost model and be disappointed when it doesn't meet your demands.

Windows tablets don't have the luxury of "just works" because there are so many variables and functions it must do outside of just running 1 app or game optimized just for ipads.

You may be right about picking the wrong model although all I really do with it is surf the net and use evernote web. I have a laptop for work and it even folds back yoga-style, to turn into a tablet. It's an HP. Plus I've got my Macbook Air. Though, I think a 128 GB Cherry Trail tablet made by Microsoft themselves with 4 GB of RAM, that costs almost $1000 with accessories should be able to handle web browsing. That said, my plan is to keep it around for now. Even if and when I get the Pro (iPad or Surface) I will want a backup for when it's charging or whatever. It's not really that bad a tablet. I was just a little bit let down from more glitches and bugs than I expected.
Drat, I was going to offer to take it off your hands. I'd even pay shipping. :)

Actually, my Surface's performance has improved dramatically since installing Firefox and although I found out that Firefox is probably causing my issues with auto-editing, at least I know now and can either self-edit my text or use a different browser. But now I'm feeling alot better about the Surface! Thanks for the offer though...

Also figured out that Kindle and Nook apps work much better in tablet mode. In desktop mode they were virtually unusable. Now that I figured that out, plus about Firefox and editing, I really have no complaints about this tablet anymore...

well reviews are begining to come out. And the fanboy is strong in this one. I've seen a number that are already claiming the surface is simply flawed and that the ipad pro is the new laptop replacement :D
Why do you think iPad sales are crashing?

I think it's crashing because people don't replace iPad (or tablets in general) like they replace laptops or phones. I know of plenty of people with iPad 2's who have no intention of buying new ones because they still do what they were intended to do. i.e. Web browsing, media consumption, email. You don't need to upgrade to get that and the batteries on stand alone tablets last ages, so even if the batteries get worse, they are still good.
I think it's crashing because people don't replace iPad (or tablets in general) like they replace laptops or phones. I know of plenty of people with iPad 2's who have no intention of buying new ones because they still do what they were intended to do. i.e. Web browsing, media consumption, email. You don't need to upgrade to get that and the batteries on stand alone tablets last ages, so even if the batteries get worse, they are still good.
That was a rhetorical question, but thanks for the thoughtful answer. I, too, have an iPad 2 and have no intention of replacing it with a newer iPad, either. However, I did replace it first with a Nook HD+ and then an RT. I have found both of these machines to be far superior to the iPad for my purposes. The iPad's lack of a file system, limitations on loading documents and inability to attached files to reply emails drove me crazy.
What I would love to see is a comparison of a top end iPad Pro versus a top end Surface Pro 4 (i7, 16 GB RAM). The benchmarks would be quite interesting..
What I would love to see is a comparison of a top end iPad Pro versus a top end Surface Pro 4 (i7, 16 GB RAM). The benchmarks would be quite interesting..

There are some out there, the issue though is they cannot easily be compared due the os. As an example there is a benchmark out there (geekbench?) which offers results that would suggest the iPad pro has superior gpu performance to the new mbp..
There are some out there, the issue though is they cannot easily be compared due the os. As an example there is a benchmark out there (geekbench?) which offers results that would suggest the iPad pro has superior gpu performance to the new mbp..

Maybe it does. It's driving a similar size display and is a newer piece of hardware so would that be surprising?
What I would love to see is a comparison of a top end iPad Pro versus a top end Surface Pro 4 (i7, 16 GB RAM). The benchmarks would be quite interesting..
From what I've seen, the i5 Surface Pro 4 blows the iPad Pro away on most tests. The only place the iPad scores better is on some graphics tests.

The iPad Air 2 actually does better than the m3 SP4 on geekbench. That's pretty disappointing.
Benchmarks are always a little iffy. My guess is that the iPad Pro will be far more responsive for the applications it does run due to the limited nature of the OS. I.e. it is a smaller OS that has to do less and cater for less, therefore it's likely to be faster for what it does.