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Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview Upgrade from Win8Pro


Active Member
I downloaded the Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview, partly to play with, but mostly to make a Windows-To-Go USB drive. (I really have no actual need for the Enterprise version.) I installed it on a clean drive and made my WTG USB. With no apps installed, the Win8.1 Enterprise wasn't really exciting. It was raining, so I couldn't work on the outside project I had planned, and there, on the workbench was a recent clone of my boot drive (Win8Pro) from my shop computer. I wondered if the 8.1 Enterprise Preview would install over it. I checked a couple of sites for upgrade paths for 8.1 Enterprise, and none of them said it would work. However, none of them said it wouldn't work, either.

So, with the rain still falling outside, I mounted the aforementioned clone, and ran the Setup program from the Win8.1Ent DVD. I chose the Upgrade option, Keep Everything, and busied myself elsewhere while it worked. It installed very nicely over the Win8Pro drive. All of the apps, at least all that I tried, worked flawlessly.

Is this useful information? Hell, I don't know, but it occupied my time on a rainy day.


Well we know it works. What about the To-Go USB, what was that experience like? You open with the WintoGo USB teaser and then don't saything else... Thats just mean...
What about the To-Go USB, what was that experience like?

Machistmo --

It is different than I expected, but I had no real basis for my expectations, since I knew little about it except the name: Windows To Go. I thought, perhaps, it would be an enhanced version of a WinPE USB drive that I made a while back. Not so. The WinPE drives functions as a "rescue drive," because I can put things like anti-virus on it to solve problems on the host system.

The WTG drive boots quickly, especially in a USB3 port, except when I move it to another system, it needs to recognize the devices on that system for the first boot. After that it is quick. I tried it on three different systems, and it works fine. But then, "What now?" It cannot access any local drives on the system. With a little online reading, I learned that this is by design. The WTG creator program sets a "SAN Policy 4" (approx) that precludes it from accessing local drives. It will recognize another USB drive on the same system. I have not yet tried installing any program material on the WTG drive, but I plan to try that later, using another USB drive as a source. That was to have been the next step in my learning exercise, but my experiment was interrupted, so I'll get back to it tomorrow. Will let you know how that works.

As with Win Enterprise, I have no real need for Windows To Go, but I just like to try new stuff (except women). I particularly like to try new stuff that expands my envelope of understanding. I'm just back here in the woods with my dogs, my projects, a lot of computers and an occasional visitor. Playing with projects like the WinToGo keeps me occupied in a learning mode, and helps me avoid hanging around pool halls and massage parlors.

So, now that I have Windows To Go working, I need to find out what I can do with it. I am often reminded of something my Dad said a long time ago back on the farm. We sold milk, and every day when the milk truck came, our dogs would chase it when it left. One day my Dad mused, "I wonder what they think they will do with it if they catch it." Some of my projects are like that.

It cannot access any local drives on the system. With a little online reading, I learned that this is by design. The WTG creator program sets a "SAN Policy 4" (approx) that precludes it from accessing local drives.

Untrue and ill-informed. What it will not access is the local boot drive on the host system. That makes sense. It will access data drives on the host system, and allow me to move files back and forth from a host data drive to the USB WTG drive. Also installed an old copy of Photoshop, and it works fine. Haven't tried any other programs; just wanted to establish that I could. Also can Remote Access into one of my other systems from the WTG drive. That has a lot of charm, and I can see how it would be useful.

I am posting from the WTG system now.

Experimentus interruptus. Will resume later.


p.s. to Jeff: Ok, so you're saying, "Yeah. What's new?" Remember that I am often high on the learning curve. :)