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Goodbye to the Surface Pro - and the Forum


New Member
Hey guys, I'm out.

Like many of you, I bought my Surface Pro on day one. But I'm getting rid of it.

The reason has nothing to do with the Surface - a beautiful piece of hardware if I've ever seen one. And a fine machine, when used as a PC. And if they ever get more of the truly first-rate apps, it will be a fine tablet, too.

It's not the Surface - it's me. It's just that presently I have too many killer machines: laptops; desktops; smartphones...I always buy the best of the best, and keep it until my interest wanes.

And as I've mentioned before, as fun as the Surface is - it can't shine the shoes of my two CORE i7 BluRay laptops, the VAIO and the Dell XPS. They smoke the Surface, laugh at it, and take its lunch money.

And at 6-4, I don't give a hang about 'light.' Heavy is fine.

The bottom line: I've had fun, but it's time to drive Ferraris again, and park the Smart Car.

Thanks to all the excellent members of this forum for your help, your knowledge and your willingness to share. I've had brilliant advice and input from so many of you - ranging from the members with thousands of posts to those with one post. Well done.

And thanks also to the grouchy old men here, who range from condescending and short, to downright mean and nasty. You, sirs, have given all of us all abundant reasons to laugh.

May the stylus be with you!
Don't be afraid to stop by now and then even without a Surface. Every forum could use an HD_Dude :)
I'll be selling mine as well as soon as the new Intel chips come out. Some amazing options on the horizon. This will do for now but for sure not my dream machine. MS will really have to impress me with their refresh for me to buy from them again.
I'll be selling mine as well as soon as the new Intel chips come out. Some amazing options on the horizon. This will do for now but for sure not my dream machine. MS will really have to impress me with their refresh for me to buy from them again.
only have to wait a few more nano second for this. Intel to launch Haswell chip in '3,337,200,000,000,000 nanoseconds' - Neowin. I did read some where else that right now Intel is staying there is a bug that won't be fixed by release of these chips which affects the usb.
only have to wait a few more nano second for this. Intel to launch Haswell chip in '3,337,200,000,000,000 nanoseconds' - Neowin. I did read some where else that right now Intel is staying there is a bug that won't be fixed by release of these chips which affects the usb.

Yeah I am going to wait and see what kinds of cool designs various manufacturers come up with before jumping in the pool. The SP although not ideal is sufficient for now. No need to go SEO (Super Early Adopter) and deal with bugs.

HP is partnering with Leap Motion to integrate their touch free motion controller into their hardware. Curious to see how that turns out. If Leap Motion is as awesome as the boffins seem to thing it is, that could be a game changer. Just have to make sure I don't accidentally delete a client file if I itch my nose. With every new amazing technology there are always unintended consequences. At a $75 price-point, Leap Motion stands to turn any monitor into a 10 point touch device sans the greasy fingerprints. This could make "touch" ubiquitous and lend some credibility to MS' Modern UI vision.

The database which runs my headhunting business is very sophisticated. I wrote the bulk of it 5 or 6 years ago using MS Access, Visual Basic, mySQL and ASP. Since then I've sort of taken it for granted because it just works.

We have a new website so I wanted to add some extra functionality. No problem, just open 'er up and make some changes. Anyway, diving into some of the old code I am struck with a bad case of, "Man, how the f*** did i write this?!". This proves to me that I am clearly getting dumber with age. When you can't figure out your own code that is pretty sad. When I sold my soul to the Devil in exchange for eternal good looks I should have thought to ask for brains too - lol.
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