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New firmware January 14th?

Well, I'll certainly install the update as soon as it's ready but I think peoples reaction to this has been overblown. My SP2 turned on once by itself. After that, I just changed the power button to hibernate and haven't had any issues since. For as much outrage as we have here in the forum, you have to remember that we only hear from people having issues. The majority of users have not been affected.
... I think peoples reaction to this has been overblown. My SP2 turned on once by itself. After that... haven't had any issues since.

Glad yours is ok, but that doesn't give you a basis to criticise 'overblown' reactions. There have been all sorts of odd behaviours reported.

Mine turns on even if I fully shut it down. Luckily it doesn't overheat as other's have, but I still feel uncomfortable putting it in a bag. Microsoft's advice is "just leave it plugged in".
Well, I'll certainly install the update as soon as it's ready but I think peoples reaction to this has been overblown. My SP2 turned on once by itself. After that, I just changed the power button to hibernate and haven't had any issues since. For as much outrage as we have here in the forum, you have to remember that we only hear from people having issues. The majority of users have not been affected.
If you had my SP2 you'd be overblown too. Reminder: I am currently running my device without audio to not use 30% CPU when idle, and have disabled hibernate after an hour of sleep, to avoid battery drain and self-wakeup. My screen started "creaking" because it overheated a few times in my bag, loosening the glue, while I was discovering all of this. No one here has ever said the majority of devices are faulty. And yes one has to "overblow" when they are the minority, to be recognized and remediated, I for one have gone ignored by MS in trying to get a replacement since Xmas.
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Well you don't pull a firmware update for 3 out of 1000. That's not even 1/3 of 1%. Wow, now that would be some good numbers!
Actually, when you have probably over a million or so units sold, you do pull a bad FW update. And probably that number is much higher. (by factor of 10 or more, but tech supports downplays it)
Actually, when you have probably over a million or so units sold, you do pull a bad FW update. And probably that number is much higher. (by factor of 10 or more, but tech supports downplays it)

I was saying that if it was just 3 out of 1000 or just 0.3 out of 100 then that would be a very acceptable reject rate by any manufacturer since that results into 99.7 satisfaction rate! That's why I feel the 3 out of 1000 is bogus garbage!
They likely pull the 3 out of 1000 number from "official" grievances. A lot of us with issues simpy b*tch here on forums, but don't register a complaint directly with MS.
They likely pull the 3 out of 1000 number from "official" grievances. A lot of us with issues simpy b*tch here on forums, but don't register a complaint directly with MS.

Or 997 in 1000 got the update when their keyboards weren't attached, which caused the firmware update to fail (if I recall), so only 3 in 1000 surfaces actually got the update before it was pulled
Whatever the purpose may be, I hope Microsoft releases it soon. I personally haven't been touched by their firmware, even though my SP2 did update with the keyboard attached. I only had one night where the tablet turned on by itself and ever since then I haven't had any issues (knock on wood). But that doesn't change that a lot of people are having issues.

I don't know if it's 3/1000 or 300/1000... But shame on them for not releasing at least a work around! I've seen many people just hibernate instead of sleeping. I have also seen people say that doesn't help (while it does help a lot). I think Microsoft should just push out the update ASAP rather than saying "Oh, on the 14th!"

Regardless, I still love this device. It has great battery life (with screen on) and it is just so fast. I have very little complaints. Every company has hiccups. Even Apple, Google and everyone else! So don't hold Microsoft up to higher standards just because... Also, a rule of thumb is don't fix something that isn't broken... Ergo... Don't update your drivers if your device is working just fine, or at the very least, wait for others to comment on it if this device is your life or death device on which you rely for work. I have seen people complain how this is their only device and others that say they are using it as a photo frame because for work it's useless. Well, don't let people update your drivers for you if it's that imperative for you!
Zkyevolved said:
Well, don't let people update your drivers for you if it's that imperative for you!

This is such a dumb statement. This isn't a Surface RT or an iPad or a Nexus 7 - This is marketed and sold to the professional market. There's many issues with the SP, I updated mine hoping some of this stuff would be fixed and when they make it worse than it was before all the updates this is why people aren't happy. Not everyone has time to go search forums posts and look for update complaints. I know you said you never really had problems but your surface DID turn on by itself ONCE. Well this has happened to many people and you were just lucky enough yours wasn't packed away in a sleeve/backpack when it happened because I'm sure if it did you would then have a squeaky screen because the glue is now soft.

Microsoft should be held to high standards, why should they get a pass? Go watch the Panos Panay keynote again, they hyped the hell out of this thing...

I think it could be a great device when they get the kinks out. I just don't think the SP2 is ready for prime time yet.
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This is such a dumb statement. This isn't a Surface RT or an iPad or a Nexus 7 - This is marketed and sold to the professional market. There's many issues with the SP, I updated mine hoping some of this stuff would be fixed and when they make it worse than it was before all the updates this is why people aren't happy. Not everyone has time to go search forums posts and look for update complaints. I know you said you never really had problems but your surface DID turn on by itself ONCE. Well this has happened to many people and you were just lucky enough yours wasn't packed away in a sleeve/backpack when it happened because I'm sure if it did you would then have a squeaky screen because the glue is now soft.

Microsoft should be held to high standards, why should they get a pass? Go watch the Panos Panay keynote again, they hyped the hell out of this thing...

I think it could be a great device when they get the kinks out. I just don't think the SP2 is ready for prime time yet.

Hey I'm not taking sides here but there is some good points to what he said. #1 remember that his statement is posted here on a forum to forum people and not the general public so as forum people we do typically search the forums. #2 I think his main point is that if your Surface Pro is for Business purposes and you depend on it to help you with your livelihood then you should be more cautious when it comes to updates. Period.

Now yes, I also agree that Microsoft probably rushed the Pro 2 to market and there is no doubt that the faulty firmware was totally a screw up on them!

So for me I am going to TRY to wait 3-4 hours after I get a firmware notification before I install it and I'll look around on here to see how the installation is going for all of the early adopters.:nerd:
Hey I'm not taking sides here but there is some good points to what he said. #1 remember that his statement is posted here on a forum to forum people and not the general public so as forum people we do typically search the forums. #2 I think his main point is that if your Surface Pro is for Business purposes and you depend on it to help you with your livelihood then you should be more cautious when it comes to updates. Period.

Now yes, I also agree that Microsoft probably rushed the Pro 2 to market and there is no doubt that the faulty firmware was totally a screw up on them!

So for me I am going to TRY to wait 3-4 hours after I get a firmware notification before I install it and I'll look around on here to see how the installation is going for all of the early adopters.:nerd:

Your right...

I just get mad when consumers don't hold companies responsible for having higher standards...

I need to come back after I get my third unit and maybe by then i'll be in a better mood :)

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