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SP3 Charges Slowly In Docking Station


New Member
I have had my SP3 in the dock for the last three hours. It has charged from 35% to only 68%.

Charging is subjectively much faster with the power adapter connected directly to the SP3.

Anyone else see very slow charging in the docking station? Any thoughts on improving charging speed?


Active Member
I think it was made that way. The thing is, people often use the docking station for heavy lifting. That would put lots of heat on the device, and charging the battery at its maximum rate would make it even worse. Moreover, people often leave the Surface on the docking station for work period (8 hours) or even overnight. The need for quick charging is pretty much nonexistent there.


Active Member
Bumping this thread, as after nearly a year of use, I'm just noticing this now. Obviously it's not a major problem, but I can't believe how slow the charging in the docking station is and I was wondering if something was wrong. It takes nearly 5 hours to charge from a near-dead battery!