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Adjust desktop size on display out


New Member
On my last computer I had a NVIDIA card and it had a control panel where I could adjust the size of my desktop. When I'd hook that old lapper up to my TV via HDMI I could not see the edges of my desktop and there was a utility where I could basically resize my desktop to fit my TV screen. My TV isn't that old, its a 2010 Samsung plasma.

Any suggestions as to how to do this or does the Intel 4400 not support this? When I hook my SP2 up to my TV it basically cuts out the bottom 2/3 of the taskbar and it cuts that amount out around the entire perimeter of the screen. Google didn't return me anything useful and neither did Bing for that matter. Hoping there is a solution, we watch some movies on the TV occasionally like this.

That is because you are using VGA. Use HDMI (well I want to say use DVI or DisplayPort as they are both superior, but TV's don't have that).
VGA doesn't support the ability to communicate with the graphic card to give it's information so that the visuals can be corrected. And the reason for this, is because VGA is analogue, and even if it shared that info, it could be corrupted due to interference. VGA is old, designed for old screen technologies that was using analogue circuitry as a cost cutting measure as already they cost a lot of money.

Normally, it would be the monitor or TV that would have options to adjust the image. But as you using a digital screen. It can't do that (well it can, but the circuitry is expensive, and not worth it for a dated technology on a TV).
As you are using Intel integrated graphics, you get to enjoy (believe me, it annoys me too, but there is no choice these days.. it's a free GPU) a complete lack of features and abilities, let alone not getting full DirectX and OpenGL support (that is why some games or programs crashes), and reliant on Intel's application compatibility list, for best gaming and program performance, else you'll get poor performance or crash, as Intel doesn't have the knowledge to do a graphic solution with drivers, that support everything.

I can't even say, install the Intel drivers to get the control panel, because I see no options in it for it. Unless it's option that appears when you use VGA, they are none. And I would advise not to, as you'll degrade your battery life. I have it because I am doing some research in fixing an issue with Surface default drivers, once I find the solution, and can make a working fix, I'll be back with the default Surface pro provided drivers for best battery life.
Thanks for the reply. I have the monoprice special mini display port to HDMI adapter. My TV shows up as Samsung 1920x1080 optimum resolution in the display properties when connected. But you said it, no Intel Control Panel with that option to correct, so I'm S.O.L. However, I really only watch movies when connected to the TV so shouldn't be bad at all. 99% of the time they are widescreen so only the left and right edges of the picture will be getting cropped.
Ah. so you are using HDMI. That is strange it should not happen.
Unless.... unless! Overscan or Underscan is enabled.

Check your TV setting if you have something related to scanning. If you have nothing, then you'll need to do the following:
Open the registry editor (Start > type: regedit > and hit Enter)
Then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\<Video Adapter GUID>\0000
"<Video Adapter GUID>" will be a a set of digits and letters, which is a randomly generated code. It will look like: {B7CEBD91-2BE0-474B-822D-B7EA3D3BC958}, but the numbers and letters will be different. It will vary from system to system. You'll see several of them listed, however, there will only be 1 where you'll see "0000" folder (refer as: key in the registry) inside, and when you will click on "0000" on the right side pane you'll see a long list of items show up. That's the one. The rest will 1 or 2 items only.

Inside it, look for EnableHDMIUnderScan. Double click on it, and set it 1 if it's 0, or 0 if it's a 1, and click OK.
Now restart your system, and now your TV showed display correctly.

DO NOT change things that you don't understand inside this section, as you may break things that requires fixing... but if fixing fails, you'll have to re-install Windows.
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Damn this is some top notch technical support! Thanks! Currently its set to 1. I'll change it tomorrow and see how it displays then. Good warning for rookies in the registry too! Thanks again for the tip on the registry key!
Sometimes also depends on which HDMI connection you take on the TV set and how you configure it. For me on my Samsung I am forced to use HDMI 2 (out of four) and set its use to PC. All other HDMI ports (1, 3 and 4) result in the image extending outside the physical screen. Only 2 sets it properly.
Sometimes also depends on which HDMI connection you take on the TV set and how you configure it. For me on my Samsung I am forced to use HDMI 2 (out of four) and set its use to PC. All other HDMI ports (1, 3 and 4) result in the image extending outside the physical screen. Only 2 sets it properly.

Thanks for the tip. I think our TV has 4 or so HDMI. I was trying it in HDMI 2, but I'll give the rest of them a shot if the registry hack doesn't work. I think the PC input on my TV is for the VGA in connector.
So did some playing with the registry settings and had no change. That prompted me to try changing the 1 to 0 for the EnableFakeCRT and the EnableFakeTV. No change. Tried under the 0002 folder too, thought maybe I needed to do it for 0002 because those were the monitor 2 settings, which my TV would be. Nope.

So, started messing with TV settings. I found a picture size setting in there, it was at 16:9. Went through them all and the display was still cut off. Got to the last one, Fit to Screen. BAM! That was the winner!

Thanks for the ideas to get me digging! I'll have to have the wife dig up a flick on that Amazon Prime!
Did you restart your computer every time you changed something in the registry? You need to do this as you have nothing to tell the driver to reload the settings that you just changed.
Did you restart your computer every time you changed something in the registry? You need to do this as you have nothing to tell the driver to reload the settings that you just changed.

Yes, everytime, 7 or 8 times in total before I decided it was time to look elsewhere! I was going to search for keys with MiniDisplayPort in them because the SP2 doesn't have HDMI as you know and I wasn't sure if Windoze could tell that I was connected to my TV via HDMI through the Mini Display Port. I'm happy its working! May have to get that 360 controller back from my buddy and hook it up and play a few games!
I have a similar question that is on topic.

I have both VGA and HDMI mini display ports adapters that I carry in my bag.

Whenever I use my SP2 to present with an older projector (say 1024 x 768) that is VGA - and I select Windows Key + P and duplicate - my Surface screen mirrors the Max res of the projector. Is there no way to set them independent of one another? Like set the projector for 1024 x 768 and leave my surface alone?"

Works fine when using desktop extend mode as I can make them independent of one another. But in duplicate it not only duplicates the contents of my screen but the resolution as well.
Yes you can. Do Win+P and select Extend. Now, you may need to change the resolution of the projector to the correct one, but you should be set.