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Another New SP4 Owner


My machine is an 17, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, plus a 128GB microSD to expand drive storage.

This is essentially my work computer, so it's a "laptop with backup tablet function" for me. My more resource-demanding software includes Adobe Acrobat Pro, Quickbooks Premier, and Photoshop; I also run a lot of proprietary and government-issue software. Elected to go Office 365 Business with the associated 1 TB OneDrive account, but looking like I'll need to return to Dropbox because OneDrive won't accept downloaded pdfs from the Internet that have "%20" in their filenames.

Office 365/Office 2016 is proving pretty buggy so far - lots of crashes of Outlook and Word. Anyone else having these problems? Also haven't figured out yet how to add Adobe Distiller function from Acrobat Pro to Outlook or Word (not a big deal in Word, but need to have it for Outlook).

Loving the light weight, fast boot, rapid SSD and how fast it is to run Acrobat. I've bought a backup stylus, though, because I've already lost the first one once (found it again). Keyboard is great -- better than my old Sony VAIO. Works very well with my external monitor running through an old Toshiba Dynadock.