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Cheapest SP4 price in the UK?


New Member
I've been advised to steer clear of the core m3 model...

Using a student discount MS has the i5 4gb for £764.10 + keyboard (£98.99)

Other than ebay etc, is this the cheapest it's going be for some time? Debating waiting until January sales for example. Thanks
I've been advised to steer clear of the core m3 model...

Using a student discount MS has the i5 4gb for £764.10 + keyboard (£98.99)

Other than ebay etc, is this the cheapest it's going be for some time? Debating waiting until January sales for example. Thanks
I can't speak about the UK, but even looking at the Spanish version, the i5s are identical in price for the SP3 and SP4.


Seeing the SP3 is a year old, and it costs the same, maybe the price won't drop... I'd just say go for it if you want it! :)
It might be worth a try with flubit.com, I was a bit skeptical about them but used them one time and got a little HTPC that was £110 at ebuyer for £80 from them, I'm not sure all the sites they match but it might be worth be worth throwing some links at them and seeing what they come back with.
If my experience was anything to go by I'd say ignore their first offer then they come back with a better one, my saving went up by 50% by ignoring the first offer they sent me.
Good find Kayzee, thankyou.

Stammie - Flubit wouldn't accept a few of the links I tried from Microsoft, PC World etc. I've ended up giving it one from John Lewis which isn't the cheapest I've seen. It says it will get back to me with up to 15% saving. Thanks

Flubit was rubbish offering a 1% saving. Worth a go though!

Also, further research shows that the core model would actually be a good by. The heaviest thing I'd do is Photoshop which it can easily handle I'm told.
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Kayzee back to your earlier post.
Have I understood correctly that I can get 5% quidco and then a further 10% through microsoft with student discount?

That would make the m3 £735 & the i5 £820 approx?
It doesn't say anything about restricting to only one discount... so it should work :)

Microsoft have been a funny one for me with Quidco though. When I bought my Surface it worked out about £30 cashback, but for some reason it went through twice! So I received £60 back which was good. However with my Band, because I ordered two sizes for testing, and sent back the one that didn't fit... they cancelled my cashback which I felt was a little unfair :(
Forgive me for sounding like a complete muppet, but how you get cashback on things you buy? whats in it for the company? (quidco)