New Member
Hey there guys long time surface pro lover here. I had the original and when the pro 2 was announced it took everything in me not to pre-order it. Untill my friend offered to buy the surface pro from me. Now i have the money, but it seems microsoft doesn't have the pro 512 for me anyways ive been looking around and asking everywhere. It seems frys only got 5 of each surface pro 2, and best buy never got any of the 512 or 256 models. Thus I was left to the internet where once again no 512's anywhere. Except for staples surprisingly. I was wondering what kind of experience any one ever had with staples and shipping. Ive never really bought anything online from them and wondered what their reputation was. I also wondered if anyone thought if maybe the 256 model would be big enough since i plan on using my surface for a lot of music editing project thus putting a huge music library on it. Any input would be awesome.