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just got me this beast- Dell XPS 730X


Well-Known Member
so I just bought a couple of days ago this new beast a Dell XPS 730X for almost nothing! slapped in 3 sticks of 8 GB crucial ballistic DDR3 ram totaling 24GB and 2 NVIDIA GTX 560 TI in SLI and also slapped in a Kingston 240GB SSD drive followed by a 2TB WD drive... I tell ya this might be a few years old but this is one sexy beast! this thing is a monster but with the gun metal casing and led lights she's a Purdy! followed by the XPS FXLights which I can change to almost any color is a real light show lol quite happy with this beast! I am now in the process of making me some fancy XPS wallpapers (like this one) ;) does anyone else have (or did have) this beast?


  • XPS computer wallpaper.png
    XPS computer wallpaper.png
    448.5 KB · Views: 3,092
uhhhh .... GAME WITH IT, duh! LOL GTA 5 is coming in 3 weeks and I plan on slapping that game on there and playing the crap out of it! LOL
why what else is there to do with it?...
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Oh, I thought you might be computing the mass accretion rates of two binary stars crossing the event horizon of a black hole. :D
pffft, I got MORE IMPORTANT things to do, like complete missions and save the world! :p lol
Haha. I'm always fascinated by gamers' enthusiasm with... gaming.

My boyfriend tried to get me into gaming for a while. Never really caught on to it. Before that, the last game I played was the original nintendo mario. Anyone here remember that?
one of my friends met his wife through gaming and I thought she was just the coolest cat lol any chick that games gets 2 thumbs up in my books, but they're just so rare! lol I tried to get one of my ex GF's to game with me playing an old video game called Raven Shield (first person shooter) and in like 30 seconds she shot me cuzz she panicked LOL guess that's why she's my EX :p