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NEWS APP not working


Active Member

This is all I ever get - EVER. Updated. ETC. Nada Zilch - White Screen WAI?

Can this App really be this bad?? I have all the latest updates, firmware and yet I cant view the news? Seriously?
UPDATE: Nothing works from the METRO INTERFACE: Weather Channel Apps starts to open and then vanishes, Finance opens with blanks and some news stories that all then fail to load. Weather wont open. Or load.
UPDATE: Nothing works from the METRO INTERFACE: Weather Channel Apps starts to open and then vanishes, Finance opens with blanks and some news stories that all then fail to load. Weather wont open. Or load.

Finally someone else! I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one. Started after the last firmware update about a week ago! Hope this gets fixed soon. The only Metro App that seems to work is IE. My games seem to be ok also. But People, Weather, Finance, News etc all seem to open foe a short time then crash to start screen. Still shows in the left tray as open but will not switch to them. Have to close then reopen, but only to do the same in less than 20 seconds! UGH!!!!