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Pro 2 Stand Defect


Have any of you noticed if your Pro 2 has a slight bulge in the back where the flap for the stand and back of the device meet? If I run my finger from the rear camera down to where it says "Surface" , I can fee a rise in the flap when it is closed.
Mine is fairly flat, i feel the "ridge" where the two meet because there is still a very small gap between the stand and the back meet, but I don't think you can call it a bulge. I'm very very observant about new devices when I first get them and based on my experience with the SP1 and my SP2, it seems like there is inherently some manufacturer defects that will found on all of them. For example, on mine one of the little feet that attach to the bottom of the stand are slightly crooked. I think it comes down to whether the hassle of returning/exchanging, and risking getting one with a bigger defect, is greater than whatever problem you find with your current one.
Maybe the bulge was caused by packaging? << this is actually a joke. :)

Seriously though, could be a defect. These new devices have them occasionally.
Here are some pics of what I am talking about.


The associates at my local MS store were being jerks and said it wasn't covered under warranty and that they had no more SP2's in stock even though the rep that took my info said I would be getting a new one if it needed to be replaced.

Microsoft.com was much more helpful and they set me up for an advanced exchange.
Mine is the opposite. The middle is flush while the sides are slightly uneven. Not to the degree yours is off though.

Edit: Here are a couple pictures. The first is just when I looked at it after reading the second is after I opened and closed the kickstand. Kind of went away. I can't say that I'm worried about it.


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The build consistency on this thing stinks. It's a shame, really.

If you look at mine from the side, the kickstand isn't even flush with the main panel.
I await the mass media picking this up and dramatizing "a significant number of users experience hardware production flaws with the Surface Pro 2," just like what happened with the Touch cover thing (not to say that didn't happen, but leave it to "tech journalists" to take something and really run with it). :cool2:

That said, see if you can get a warranty exchange and consider if it's purely cosmetic or if the kickstand is actually wobbly.

This is what Microsoft reaps by overpricing their product as a "premium" device. Defects like this are NOT premium and MS resisting warranty coverage because the defect is "cosmetic" wont help. Arrogance, like Apple's, is acceptable to an extent when they can back it up, but MS hasn't earned that yet in the hardware space and they will get slammed for it.

Regardless, to the OP, you just bought it, why is warranty coverage necessary? Just exchange it.
My local MS store is claiming they are out of stock and do not know when they will get more. I don't want to wait until Dec 15th by ordering online. The warranty rep said their warranty exchanges are shipping within 3-5 days which seems weird too. If mine doesn't ship in 5 days I'm just going to cancel and return my SP2 and get it from where else or just wait.

This is what Microsoft reaps by overpricing their product as a "premium" device. Defects like this are NOT premium and MS resisting warranty coverage because the defect is "cosmetic" wont help. Arrogance, like Apple's, is acceptable to an extent when they can back it up, but MS hasn't earned that yet in the hardware space and they will get slammed for it.

Regardless, to the OP, you just bought it, why is warranty coverage necessary? Just exchange it.

I was mainly replying to the one who commented about general build consistency when we're talking about, what, three people reporting this (it's too early, and a severe minority of product owners ever participate in related product fora on top of the self-selection bias for problem postings on a venue designed to give support). Generalizations aside, I agree that MS has to step up even if it goes against regular industry warranty standards (cosmetic flaw vs. functional) since there's a public perception at stake here--MS actually did step up with the initial cosmetic flaking issues last year, but I believe they've since stopped. What's interesting is that you get different answers depending on the store or MS online/phone support.

Exchange is going to be a problem when there are supply issues. I'm honestly surprised that MS is having stock issues again for the Pro, especially this close to the holiday season. The heck? Any tech consumer could look at the spec listings and tell them that the 8GB models would be most popular. I wonder if anyone has dug into that and figure out just why there are delays.