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Scan and OCR of hand written documents on paper


New Member

I am new here and I am looking for a solution to scan (photograph) handwritten documents on paper with my Surface and turn the writting later into digital text - but offline and without any cloud service (like OfficeLens or CamScanner) because I would like to keep control about my documents.

I use Nebo and OneNote / OneNote2016 and tried Evernote - all without reaching my target.

Can somebody help me?

Thank you in advance and greetings from Germany
Hi Jeff, hi Ekhangel,

Thank you for your reponses.

I gave Abbyy a try with a scan of a report with attached business card. Abbyy read out the business data for almost 100% but my handwirtting had a recognition rate of simply null. Are there any setting you know which will bring the recognition rate of my handwirtting (suffered seriously because of the neavy use of the comouter) to an acceptable level?

I wish you a healthy start into the New Year.