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US, UK and Canada All Say "No" to ITU's Proposed Treaty

cereal killer

Active Member

Looks like the good old US of A, United Kingdom and Canada did the right thing and declined a new UN telecoms treaty. As we reported yesterday, the abuses that could take place if such a "treaty" were agreed to could have had far reaching repercussions - freedom of speech was one of them. Even though Hamadoun Toure, Director General of the International Telecommunication Union, assured the dissenting countries "that nothing should impact [freedom of speech]” the potential for such abuses was enough to get a resounding "No way." The U.S. delegation said in a statement at the meeting after the final changes were adopted last night - “We candidly cannot support an ITU treaty that is inconsistent with the multi-stakeholder model."

We can all breathe a breath of fresh air. Hamadoun said this was a "missed opportunity", but we'd have to strongly disagree. The UN has no business governing the internet. We'd like to hear your thoughts. Good move or was this a missed opportunity?

Via: Tech Crunch
best news ever no treaty

Need to protect the freedom of the internet.
These organizations have another agenda which is not in anyone's best interest.
We can all breathe a breath of fresh air. Hamadoun said this was a "missed opportunity", but we'd have to strongly disagree. The UN has no business governing the internet. We'd like to hear your thoughts. Good move or was this a missed opportunity?

Thank goodness there are still some people out there with enough common sense to not allow Hamadoun pursue the opportunity to limit freedom of the internet.
Their first objective is to eliminate freedom of the internet.

Their next objective is to eliminate freedom.
