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Everyone at my work uses ipads + laptop, Im the only one who is different


I work in a corporate environment (real estate, and no im not a REALTOR because I get asked this 58 times a day) where its an "Apple or nothing" mentality. Each REALTOR gets handed an ipad 4 as a gift once they join the company. It is everyones mobile working device. Every single one of them also have a laptop. Oh and an iphone, because everyone here believes they must be fully into the Apple ecosystem or they will run into troubles and that Apple is the best and nothing compares.

The funny thing is, you wouldnt believe the endless amounts of times I always hear that these REALTOR cant get work done (outside of email and apps) on their ipad and they have to lug around both everywhere, everyday. A lot of these people have laptops up to 10 years old. Laptops back then were 10-13lbs lol.

And here I am with a 6.4" screen Android phone and SP3. lol. It feels great to be different and the only person in the company with a NON Apple phone and a NON Apple tablet and a NON Apple laptop. Theres a handful who have Androids, but then they have an ipad or mac computer.

I havent showed any of them my SP3 yet because I have yet to bring it in, but Im sure i will get a lot of wierd and confused looks just like I do with my phone.
Just thought this is kinda funny.
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I have been using my SP3 in my hunt for a new home. It has proven to be the silver bullet. Full access to the web and the processor makes it actually lightning fast to show big images or rearrange large lists of properties. The iPad processor just couldn't keep up. Mix into that the large screen and my Surface is here to stay (until the next one comes out).
I work in a corporate environment (real estate, and no im not a REALTOR because I get asked this 58 times a day) where its an "Apple or nothing" mentality. Each REALTOR gets handed an ipad 4 as a gift once they join the company. It is everyones mobile working device. Every single one of them also have a laptop. Oh and an iphone, because everyone here believes they must be fully into the Apple ecosystem or they will run into troubles and that Apple is the best and nothing compares.

The funny thing is, you wouldnt believe the endless amounts of times I always hear that these REALTOR cant get work done (outside of email and apps) on their ipad and they have to lug around both everywhere, everyday. A lot of these people have laptops up to 10 years old. Laptops back then were 10-13lbs lol.

And here I am with a 6.4" screen Android phone and SP3. lol. It feels great to be different and the only person in the company with a NON Apple phone and a NON Apple tablet and a NON Apple laptop. Theres a handful who have Androids, but then they have an ipad or mac computer.

I havent showed any of them my SP3 yet because I have yet to bring it in, but Im sure i will get a lot of wierd and confused looks just like I do with my phone.
Just thought this is kinda funny.
Another example of business stupidity.;)
The realtors I'm working with have all been issued Surface Pro 2's with Docking Stations and Samsung Galaxy 4 Phones....
I havent brought it into work yet (I usually dont need to bring in my laptop to work) and my desk is already tight for space.

But I agree some serious brainwashing going on here, with the Apple or nothing mentality.

Still amazes me that Im the only person in the company who will be apple free in the next couple weeks.
I havent brought it into work yet (I usually dont need to bring in my laptop to work) and my desk is already tight for space.

But I agree some serious brainwashing going on here, with the Apple or nothing mentality.

Still amazes me that Im the only person in the company who will be apple free in the next couple weeks.
Careful, free thinkers who don't accept the program may not survive in the Matrix. :)
I know a lot of people like Apple stuff, but Apple is not amazing for productivity. You can do stuff with OSX, but not everything is supported and it has an old version of Office. You can't do anything with an ipad. You can read pdfs and that's about it - if you write a Word document, you can't even view it on an ipad because the formatting messes up. An ipad is a consumption device and it doesn't even consume right.

I'm a Physics student and I think there are literally only three people in the whole department - students and staff - who ink on a computer. One is of course me, another student and a lecturer. Some people try to ink on ipads and the experience just looks painful. Some people try to type quick notes on an ipad and I just think it's so much easier to use a pen for that. You can't walk around, type on a virtual keyboard and look where you're going - it's such a slow process. It's still inconvenient to do in lectures - a lot of what is noted down is math work, and even the amazing equation editor in Office takes a bit of time to use. Compare that to using a pen - I can walk and write with a pen without even looking at my Surface - perfectly legible rough notes. Even my phone, Note 3 is fine for quick notes - my phone allows me to be more productive than an ipad. I can then refer to these when I write my lab report or whatever.

Best of all, when I come to using those notes I don't need to pull out another device to write my Word document. I just flip over the keyboard and Word is right there - side-by-side with OneNote or Excel, where I can use all of the massively convenient features of Office. People are surprised when they see me flip open my tablet and just open up MATLAB or Excel to quickly analyse some data. Having this much power in a tablet is amazing.

People look for a tablet and they think ipad. For a difference of £160 you can go from an ipad Air 2 with 64GB storage to a 64GB SP3 i3 4GB RAM. Honestly, seems like a no-brainer to me - then you can actually use the device for productive purposes.

I might have strayed a bit there, but /rant over.
I think the whole Apple vs Microsoft dichotomy is a tad lame.

Anyways, using a Microsoft product to express individuality is a little laughable. Trading one giant company for another doesn't say much. One thing for sure, the surface is more capable than the ipad. For a realtor the surface would be a great all in one device.
@ Ramsey so who are you to judge someone who thinks that being more productive on a SP3 is better than an iPad? your first post here and all you did was try to belittle people who thinks or likes the SP3 more than the iPad... if you don't have something positive constructive to say than please refrain from posting on here...calling people lame and or laughable is not wanted and laughable to say the least... thanks!
I am a Realtor in Canada and I jumped to purchase the SP3 as it fit the bill perfectly. I had one seller who I am representing say "I have to have an SP3 too!". It fit the bill for her as well. I have the docking station and love it all. Eventually it will get lighter and thinner. I hope Microsoft keeps the same build quality through the upcoming hardware iterations. I have worked on a PC since the mid 80's, and Windows is what I know!
Why does this offend you? Consumer products should not be the marker for your identity. That is shallow.

Also, please try to read. I did not ridicule anyone. To think that everyone has to have the same opinion is foolish. Think harder. I am sorry there is no other solution for you.

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