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Beep when selecting the Windows button on screen


New Member
I have had my Surface Pro 3 i7 for about a week. Just recently I noticed that when I press the windows button located on the screen there is an audible beep. I have restarted the device, turned the volume down, and verified the accessibility settings. I do not hear the same sound when switching screens using the keyboard.

Has anyone else heard this?
Welcome to the forums! I don't hear a beep per se when you press the Windows button, but you should hear/feel the light haptics buzz.
Thank you for your quick response. So I should hear a slight buzz and feel a small vibration when selecting the Windows Icon from the device? (Mainly on the left side, or side opposite the Windows button)

I guess I didn't notice this before. Is this only on the i7 or does it also occur on other Surface Pro 3 devices? I have been using the i3 at work and do not recall this buzz/sound.

Thanks again for the welcome and information
I'm confused..

When I tap the Windows button on the right side of the device (the one on the bezel) I do get the haptic feedback / vibration and I hear the haptic buzz.

Are you asking about the Windows logo icon on the bottom left of the screen when in desktop mode? I do not get haptic feedback or the buzz when I tap it..
Welcome dherring. It seemed as though you meant to Windows logo on the side of the bezel. Touching that should give a buzz feeling (haptic or tactile feedback). Touching or clicking with track pad or mouse on the Windows icon on the task bar should not cause a beep.
Thanks again to all for their quick response. I am referring to the Windows button located on the bezel and probably should have been clearer in my original post. What I'm experiencing sounds like it's normal occurrence but for some reason I never noticed the sound/buzzing earlier.

Thanks to all for helping to ease the worries of this new Surface Pro 3 user.

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