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Contacts in 10 missing


So many contacts are missing in my people app. I've got it connected to my Hotmail account and every other account that I have including all the social networks that I'm on. Hotmail is my address for my email contacts. This was not a problem with 8.1.

The missing contacts remain on my web based One Drive and on my Icon.

I feel like an isheep always using my phone to look up a contact.


With 8: contacts automatically imported when valid email credentials entered. In addition I don't understand why a subset of my contacts will be available.

The mail app in 10 is a long way from 8.

The work around is to pin the web based contacts in an easily accessible spot and ditch the onboard contacts until the applications matures.


Staff member
Did you have Facebook integration enabled in Windows 8.x? If so, that would explain the change as Facebook has disabled that service with the changes to their graph API.