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Fitting the pen battery


Waiting for my SP3 to arrive on the 28th.

On YouTube videos I've been watching I see there's a slip of paper inside the pen when they fit the battery. Should this be left attached and slid alongside the battery when installing? Most reviewers seem to remove it but I'm thinking that maybe it should be left attached.
Does this serve any purpose other than showing how to install the battery?
The (opinion) way i see it, is that the slip of paper is for two purposes. It is both a guide as to how you install the AAAA battery, but also acts as a barrier stopping a circuit being made and potentially draining the batteries while it's sat on the shelf in the store. Once removed, circuit complete, bluetooth becomes functional. Like the plastic tab you get on many devices that use pre-installed button-cells.
Thanks hughlle. Kind of answered this myself.
From the SP3 user guide.

Insert the battery, wrapped in the label from the top of the pen, with the positive (+) end down toward the writing tip.
Yep. It's not to protect battery drain because the battery is not shipped installed in the pen. Just throw the paper away.
Yep. It's not to protect battery drain because the battery is not shipped installed in the pen. Just throw the paper away.

I was thinking about battery drain with regard to the button cell batteries that are pre-installed inside the pen. Not the AAAA battery.
I found them in most prolific drugstore in the US, Walgreens. I think they were about $5 for a couple of them.

Somebody mentioned that there is an additional button battery. I never heard about that. I looked for another place to unscrew where there might be a button battery but I couldn't find one.

I found this link which explains everything you want to know about the pen. Yes, there are two tiny #319 batteries that are only used for the purple Bluetooth button on the top of the pen. They aren't needed for writing or erasing.

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If you read the plastic tag in the pen carefully it also shows that the two smaller batteries are in the top of the pen. It was definitely intended to be left in place.
Somebody please slap my wrist because I threw mine away. Now I'll have to remember where those little button batteries are.

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