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I use my S3 as a viewing platform for my photos. As I take photos for a local footy league, instead of viewing the photos in the viewfinder, I can use the S3 to 'download' my photos and view them at a higher resolution, then I can delete the dodgy one's before I get home and download them to my desktop, then upload them to MEGA. When I'm not viewing photos, I'm watching video's that I have downloaded with my desktop and transferred to my S3.

The S3 is going to be slow as it uses an Atom processor, and that in itself takes time to process everything.
.....just got another cumulative update and installed it. Performance seems slightly better, but not by much. Worth trying out.
Start with using an Adblocker. Over a year ago the AD industry admitted they went over the top on ADs and vowed to improve. however this was total lip service as they have only gotten worse since then. I assure you an RT is slower, :) I have both. If that is not your experience your s3 may be experiencing a problem. Answers to those questions Jnjroach asked would help us help you. If you came just to rant, mission accomplished.
The RT is not slower.I have both too, and the RT is faster.
It is almost impossible to play videos. So jerky some are unwatchable.

Depends how you watch videos. I often watch videos I have downloaded to either the internal storage or an external hard drive. I do have the occasional problem trying to watch something streamed (live or recorded), but never with something downloaded.
The RT is not slower.I have both too, and the RT is faster.
Maybe faster than yours but that's NOT normal.

You haven't provided any answers to the questions you were asked by jnjroach.

Short of providing any details that would allow someone to help, do a Reset to reinstall Windows back to Factory setting or take it to a Microsoft Store.

There's only one way an RT is faster than an S3 and that's if there's something wrong with the S3. You may have installed something that's causing a problem, or misconfigured something, corrupted the system someway, installed malware or viruses through careless usage. Etc. Etc.
You don't get it. If that is all you want to do with it, than something from 10 years ago would do the trick.

No, you don't get it. If I wanted to accomplish those tasks on a tablet I wouldn't have purchased a CoreM tablet and expect it to accomplish that task with ease. Instead, I decided I wanted to replace my iPad with a Surface 3 since I already owned an insanely powerful laptop that I could use to accomplish tasks that I already know a CoreM processor CANNOT accomplish without a MAJOR struggle. I didn't buy a Surface 3 to be part of an "IN" crowd. I bought a Non-Pro Surface because I wanted a tablet that was more powerful than an iPad and understood that if I needed MORE power I would just boot up the powerful laptop. I don't set insanely high expectations out of equipment I ALREADY KNOW can not handle.
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"should have known better than to get anything microsoft. Junk"

Hmm. Maybe you ought not to be so broad in your criticism.

I also find the S3 to be slow. My opinion is that it is like most tablets out there. Nothing special in terms of horsepower and responsiveness, and as such I find it perfectly capable as a tablet and on par with everything else I've used. When I try and use it as a laptop though, then yes, I do notice the speed, such as opening up applications etc. As to jerky websites, I encounter countless jerky unresponsive websites every single day due to all the stuff they want you to load up, and that is when using my gaming desktop rig.
i have to reboot mine all the time to get videos to work. It never plays them the first time. Using a different browser makes no difference either. Not only don't videos work, the sound doesn't work either. The web pages load in so slow I just give up after a while.
i have to reboot mine all the time to get videos to work. It never plays them the first time. Using a different browser makes no difference either. Not only don't videos work, the sound doesn't work either. The web pages load in so slow I just give up after a while.

Other than re-installing, I can't offer any help I'm afraid. Mine still works just great for everything I bought it to do (video, audiobooks, office, internet)
i have to reboot mine all the time to get videos to work. It never plays them the first time. Using a different browser makes no difference either. Not only don't videos work, the sound doesn't work either. The web pages load in so slow I just give up after a while.

Sounds like there are bigger issues with the device. I don't have to reboot JUST to watch a video stutter free WITH audio EVERYTIME. Very rarely do I have to reboot due to audio not working PROPERLY on my Surface 3. Sometimes it plays, but I can hear a tiny bit of static in the background and a restart resolves the issue for days before the static returns.

Video always plays back smoothly, even at 4K quality, for me. Maybe it's an internet speed issue? I'm currently at 85mbps down and 25mbps up so I don't experience any issues with video streaming. What are your current speeds?

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