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SP3 i7/256 - black screen of death"


New Member
I've just purchased ( a week ago ) a surface pro3 i7/256
It was a real nice move, working fine ( although the fan was quite operating ).

This afternoon, I was streaming a movie from internet, when it just halted, on a black screen.
Nothing was plugged to it except the cover

I've then checked :
- battery
- power supply adapter
- tried to restart it with
a - on/off button
b - 30s on the on/off button then on
c - 2 buttons halt and restart procedure
According to Microsoft directions ( website )
Nothing did...

I then recharged the device for a couple of hours, just in case, and retried a-b-c sequence.
Still nothing :(

I noticed few things :
The top right of the device was warm ( not so much but noticeably ).
When I plug an USB stick, the led flashes, and stops ( still )
The power supply white led switches on/off/on when plugged every 5ish minutes.

I'm still full of hope, but I start believing my brand new device is screwed !!!

Do you have an idea / something else to try on force reboot before I get to resaler for replacement ?

Well, by the way... And why are there so many fails then ?

Do Microsoft Q&A/test their devices before selling these ...
It needs to exchanged.....the flashing power light is a sign of a hardware failure.....

Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately, this is also what I thought. I searched that flashing light thing on the net unsuccessfully.

I must say it's quite surprising ( from what I read on the net also ) that this tablet so much suffers from non quality design and assembly.

It's not that cheap as a device, I was expecting much much better from Microsoft ( ie thought enough to work more than 1.5 day ).

I feel like I've purchased a low end prototype now

Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately, this is also what I thought. I searched that flashing light thing on the net unsuccessfully.

I must say it's quite surprising ( from what I read on the net also ) that this tablet so much suffers from non quality design and assembly.

It's not that cheap as a device, I was expecting much much better from Microsoft ( ie thought enough to work more than 1.5 day ).

I feel like I've purchased a low end prototype now

I feel your pain. It does seem like there is a disproportionately high number of failed SP3 units, and sorry yours had to be one of them.

When I got mine shortly after release date I was so thrilled to unbox it! But I soon discovered that the WiFi on it was completely broken. Within an hour of receiving it, my new SP3 was again back in the box, and shipped off.

All I can say is that if you extend your patience, your (hopefully properly working) replacement SP3 will give you much satisfaction. I love mine, and will probably be a fan of the product for a long time!
Yes, I will go to the store I had purchased it to get a replacement tomorrow.

It will just take time to reinstall my softwares on it, and contact the software vendors to get my seated software unseated ( FormZ, MS Office+Access ). Hoping it will pass thru and I will not have to rebuy these.

I really hope my new device will be ok.
Hope you get a good one. I've been very lucky and had no issues at all with my i7, very happy with it, but it does seem there's a lot of duds out there :-( Shame as when it's a good one it's the best device I've ever owned!
Hope you get a good one. I've been very lucky and had no issues at all with my i7, very happy with it, but it does seem there's a lot of duds out there :-( Shame as when it's a good one it's the best device I've ever owned!
But that's what brings many onto the forum in the first place. I don't think it's a representative sample.
But that's what brings many onto the forum in the first place. I don't think it's a representative sample.
This is true, but I have two real-life friends who have SP3's one of them has returned his twice for problems.... one in 3 is not great especially when he's on his third now!!
This is true, but I have two real-life friends who have SP3's one of them has returned his twice for problems.... one in 3 is not great especially when he's on his third now!!
No doubt, it could be better. We cannot know what the percentages are from empirical data and MS isn't likely to release that info. I just hope they do better all around, it IS necessary.
Well, to be frank Surface pro 3, as a concept is just what I'm looking for : nomade use of my same software as at my desk... and it's the only device that offers it today :) i have been able to use it a few, and when operating, this is real nice product.

Then it crashed to death with no reason ( internet streaming of one movie with silverlight ).

I first thought I had been unlucky with my purchase, but then browsing the net made me feel one amongst many, which was annoying... Is this reliable device did I wonder ?

I was looking for all possible reset things to try before returning it for replacement. And got confirmed it was screwed... Now time for it then .

Not saying that X is better than Y or Z ( I'm switching... ) but I assumed that for high end devices like this one ( come on, that's not cheap ), the fail ratio coulda been lower. Let's see with the new one, hoping I'll not be entering the neverending replacement cycles some have apparently been facing :(

Thanks for all views, I'll keep posted
That sounds like your SP3 would not change. I went through two SP3 with charging issue. The issue was: it only charge if you put the AC power to SP3 one specific way. When the end point up, it charge fine. When the end point down, it would NOT charge. Yes, even when changing indicator on cable came on, but it would not charge. The only way to verify is to look at the charge indicator on the screen(lighting sign). So, what I am trying to say is: the SP3 was blank screen and would not turn on is simply because it was out of juice even you thought you charged it, at lease in my case. I HIGHLY recommend you make the exchange.

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