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Surface Pro 4 Vs Ipad Pro

The writer of that article is obviously an Apple fan boy. Or on Apple's payroll. A very biased article imho. I just can not see how the iPad Pro can be a better buy than a Surface Pro 4.
The writer of that article is obviously an Apple fan boy. Or on Apple's payroll. A very biased article imho. I just can not see how the iPad Pro can be a better buy than a Surface Pro 4.

personally, i am still deciding between the two... but im leaning toward the IPad. heres why...

the surface 3 that i own works most of the time, but sometimes it lags. and I mean bad lag. And it can happen just when I'm browsing the web. that has never happened to me on an iPad. Sometimes my Surface 3 crashes and I need to reboot. Sometimes pages wont load at all unless i reboot. I had the original iPad for almost a year and never rebooted it once... iPads just work. all of the time, not just sometimes... Thats why IMO the ipad pro is the better buy. I spent over $700 for the Surface 3 with 128GB plus accessories and now Bestbuy wont even buy it back from me... its not something they are willing to buy back at all. not a single cent for it. I might have a better experience with the Surface Pro 4 but do I really want to risk making another multi hundred dollar mistake? So for me I'm leaning toward the iPad Pro. At this point, if the Surface Pro 4 is even half as glitchy as my Surface 3... Id be leaning toward an iPad mini over it... Sorry to say it.
personally, i am still deciding between the two... but im leaning toward the IPad. heres why...

the surface 3 that i own works most of the time, but sometimes it lags. and I mean bad lag. And it can happen just when I'm browsing the web. that has never happened to me on an iPad. Sometimes my Surface 3 crashes and I need to reboot. Sometimes pages wont load at all unless i reboot. I had the original iPad for almost a year and never rebooted it once... iPads just work. all of the time, not just sometimes... Thats why IMO the ipad pro is the better buy. I spent over $700 for the Surface 3 with 128GB plus accessories and now Bestbuy wont even buy it back from me... its not something they are willing to buy back at all. not a single cent for it. I might have a better experience with the Surface Pro 4 but do I really want to risk making another multi hundred dollar mistake? So for me I'm leaning toward the iPad Pro. At this point, if the Surface Pro 4 is even half as glitchy as my Surface 3... Id be leaning toward an iPad mini over it... Sorry to say it.
It depends on what you're using it for. Either you need to run Windows applications or you don't.
I had an iPad before and Safari randomly crashed and quit so often that I got rid of it and never replaced it. So, they don't always just work.
You're not tricking me into reading some silly click bait article.

The maxi pad pro is only cheaper if you have the 32gb version. Throw in the cost of that pencil without an eraser and you've got an SP4 (M3). To get the equal storage, you'd have to spend 1099 for the maxi combo, whereas i'd be much happier with a 999 SP4 (i5) that would be leaps and bounds more useful.

That giant ipod is going to be DOA.

No comparison for me......... at any price. Sorry.
i'm writing these posts on my Surface 3 so sorry if the beginning of each sentence is not capitolized or if spelling auto-correct is not working but both those features seem to have disappeared from this buisness powerhouse of mine... lol... wish i was kidding.

seriously though... not trying to start a war with anyone (or everyone), just stating my opinion. but i will say this, i am going to continue using my Surface 3... I am not anti Surface. I just have had better experience with Apple.
Hahaha talk about a biased article. I want a big iPhone. I got an iPhone 6S plus. But as a productive machine, sorry but the iPad Pro has nothing in the surface pro. It's funny that they trash that the fully equipped entry model surface pro 4 is cheaper than the entry equipped model of the iPad. But that only gets you an M3 processor. I never found a use for an iPad because I really never found it to be able to do considerable more than I can on my iPhone. iPad pro hasn't done anything to change that perception in my mind.
The way i see it, they are different markets. If the ipad pro will fulfil your needs then you never needed a surface pro in the first place so what is the argument?

These are not competing products no matter what the marketing or reviewers would like us to believe. People are not buying an SP for mobile apps, they are buying it because they need real apps (or usb functionality etc). They are totally different markets.
Author is a NY Hipster on a Clickbait website with more roll over adds than Buzzfeed....his article doesn't even do a good job comparing and misquotes the prices of the Cover. Here is his FB Account:




This article gets..... 2 eye rolls!!!!
i'm writing these posts on my Surface 3 so sorry if the beginning of each sentence is not capitolized or if spelling auto-correct is not working but both those features seem to have disappeared from this buisness powerhouse of mine... lol... wish i was kidding.

seriously though... not trying to start a war with anyone (or everyone), just stating my opinion. but i will say this, i am going to continue using my Surface 3... I am not anti Surface. I just have had better experience with Apple.

personally, i am still deciding between the two... but im leaning toward the IPad. heres why...

the surface 3 that i own works most of the time, but sometimes it lags. and I mean bad lag. And it can happen just when I'm browsing the web. that has never happened to me on an iPad. Sometimes my Surface 3 crashes and I need to reboot. Sometimes pages wont load at all unless i reboot. I had the original iPad for almost a year and never rebooted it once... iPads just work. all of the time, not just sometimes... Thats why IMO the ipad pro is the better buy. I spent over $700 for the Surface 3 with 128GB plus accessories and now Bestbuy wont even buy it back from me... its not something they are willing to buy back at all. not a single cent for it. I might have a better experience with the Surface Pro 4 but do I really want to risk making another multi hundred dollar mistake? So for me I'm leaning toward the iPad Pro. At this point, if the Surface Pro 4 is even half as glitchy as my Surface 3... Id be leaning toward an iPad mini over it... Sorry to say it.

Your S3 can be sold on ebay or craigslist. Just because BB won't offer you anything doesn't mean it's not worth anything.
It sounds to me like you picked the wrong product. If it's lagging at a certain task that you needed, then a more capable processor or more ram should've been a consideration when you purchased. Not purchase the lowest cost model and be disappointed when it doesn't meet your demands.

Windows tablets don't have the luxury of "just works" because there are so many variables and functions it must do outside of just running 1 app or game optimized just for ipads.

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