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Type Cover Color Popularity

What is your Type Cover's color?

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I originally got the Cyan one thinking it's a color that's not mainstream. I wanted to be different. I thought people would be using black. Then I found out that every review site seems to be featuring the Cyan one. I've seen people around me using Cyan as well >_< Turns out it is a very popular choice XD.
Although the Cyan is nice, the reason you see a majority of the reviews with the Cyan cover is because during the month after debuting the device and before shipping to the masses, Microsoft only sent out the SP3 with the Cyan covers to reviewing sites. None of them had any choice as to what color they received. Literally every single video or pic you see will show the Cyan cover if it was something MS sent for review. There has been a poll on here with the exact same question about a month ago and I am pretty sure that black was showing around 50-60% of the poll.