detachable keyboard

  1. G

    Surface Book 2 hardware connection issues

    So I spilt coffee on my laptop keyboard and tried save it as much as possible. After the incident there was still some on and off functionality from the keyboard but now unfortunately it doesn’t register input any more on all the buttons, and the dedicated gpu (1060) doesn’t register either in...
  2. A

    Wireless Keyboard Adapter For Surface Book?

    HI! Surface Book user here. I REALLY want to improve my posture & my life at my keyboard, and one major way to do that is to have my screen higher, while keyboard stays same. This is why wireless keyboards exist. But it seems CRAZY to buy ANOTHER wireless keyboard, when I already have a...
  3. A

    Wireless Keyboard Adapter For BOOK?

    HI! Surface Book user here. I REALLY want to improve my posture & my life at my keyboard, and one major way to do that is to have my screen higher, while keyboard stays same. This is why wireless keyboards exist. But it seems CRAZY to buy ANOTHER wireless keyboard, when I already have a...