
  1. S

    Opinions on Surface Book

    Hi all I am a college student who has just purchased the Surface Book. I have been asked to write up a paper on a high tech product launched within the last six months so I thought what better product than the Surface Book itself. Although I am an owner of the laptop and love it, I need to...
  2. N

    My 8.1 Lenovo Atom is a blazingly better TABLET than my 10 SP 3 i5

    Caveat: This is not a discussion of desktop, laptop or Surface-with-keyboard-and-mouse, which is clearly superior to Vista/XP/7 and 8 school and business use. Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 10 128/4 W8.1 64 Pro (more or less the same as a Surface3) vs Windows 10 SP3 i5 same 128/4 plus SSD. Takes 8...