surface 4 customer support

  1. G

    Surface Pro 4 won't stay on

    My son's Surface P4 won't stay on at all and warranty just expired : ( Any suggestions vs paying $450 for a refurbished as MS suggests?
  2. D

    Warranty on second hand Surface Pro 4?

    Hi there, This is my first post but I've been owning Surfaces for a long time (started with RT, then Surface2). I am now considering buying a second hand Surface Pro 4, but after all the problems that there have been since launch I wonder about the warranty. If the previous owner registered...
  3. D

    Warranty on second hand Surface Pro 4?

    Hi there, This is my first post but I've been owning Surfaces for a long time (started with RT, then Surface2). I am now considering buying a second hand Surface Pro 4, but after all the problems that there have been since launch I wonder about the warranty. If the previous owner registered...
  4. S

    Customer Service unacceptable

    I had preordered the Surface Pro 4 and was excited to learn to use it. I knew I would need customer support, as I have been using an IPad, so I purchased the 2 year unlimited support. My last laptop had Windows 7, which I had no problems with. However, I have several questions about Windows...