windows 8.1

  1. psnative

    Solved Pens not working

    Both of my Surface 1 stylus pens quit working. I have a Walmart pen that works, but I like the original Surface ones. I read to check the firmware, but it only said what file to look for in surface 3, & the file it said to look for wasn't there. There wasn't a yellow trouble icon anywhere so I...
  2. psnative

    Hard Drive Halved

    My Surface Pro 1 Windows 8.1 now only shows 110 GB drive. It's a 256. Can't remember the last time I looked but it's always said +/- 256
  3. macmee

    Can we talk about battery life? Microsoft says "up to 9 hours"

    Microsoft's website says "up to 9 hours of battery life" the best I ever got was 7:30 hours on windows 8, and never more than 5 hours on windows 10. Has anyone actually gotten 9 hours or does that sound as impossible to you as it does to me? Also you might say: "but they say up to" and that's...
  4. S

    Old Surface 2 Finally Goes Kaput?

    I recently aquired a used surface pro from a family member and while I'm not normally a tablet kind of person (I prefer notebooks and laptops) I was interested in it because it seemed to be held to a high standard of performance as bragged by Microsoft. This Surface has had some history. I was...
  5. I

    Windows Startup problem after Updates

    Folks, again another great update from Microsoft!! With another firmware update (many still have hope that some day will fix the surface problems). I don't know when microsoft launched it, but I did today (September 22). It broke my windows 8.1 in my surface pro 3. So now my windows doesn't...
  6. G

    Minor changes

    I love my SP3, however windows 10 is ruining it for me. There are a few features that I miss from 8.1, if anyone knows of a way to incorporate these into 10 I'd appreciate the help. 1. I can no longer check the battery life or the time/date when I swipe from the right side of the screen to...