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Advice for extra storage space for programs?


I regret buying the Surface Pro 2 64GB version. It's a strong enough computer to handle many programs, but not enough space to actually install them. After installing Photoshop CS5, plus a few minor programs and plugins I downloaded from the internet, in addition to Windows updates, I'm already down to 6.76GB. I want to be able to install more programs. I need some advice on more storage, and I need something besides the ever abundant SD card and cloud options.

I read that I would save more space by saving the recovery partition elsewhere and remove it from my Surface Pro 2. Approximately how much space? And can somebody link me to a webpage with instructions please?

I also read that it's possible to install programs onto the microSD card. I am considering this option. Would you recommend it? Might the programs run slower that way? And would it be bad if I removed the microSD card?

Please give me some advice. It would be great it I could install Flash, and maybe even Illustrator.
if you remove the recovery partition (put on USB stick) you could see a 6GB to 8gb recovery... SD cards are getting bigger and bigger and cheaper and cheaper, so probably install some programs to the SD card if you can.. 128GB MicroSD cards are now less than $90 bucks! those are just 2 viable choices ATM
You can rehome Documents (Libraries) )and downloads folders to the SD card also some are easier to do than others.

Microsoft should make it a simple operation to move other folders as well like Program Files and Program Data... those are more of a challenge to use 'mount points' with but not impossible although it also carries some risk.

I believe the real solution would involve standardizing on Two SD card slots with one being lockable to prevent accidental removals. Then vendors could legitimately build a minimal storage entry level device and you could add an SD Card to expand the C: volume seamlessly. Get to work on that Microsoft. :)
Thanks everyone. I think I'll buy a 128GB microSD card and install some programs on there after all. However, would the programs possibly run slower that way? I use some pretty intensive graphics programs. Could I possibly push the SD card to a point that it gets damaged?

Also, would there be any error that occurs if I switch the SD card, even if I switch it while the computer is off?

And just one more thing. Can you guys recommend a good microSD card? I'd like to avoid Sandisk cards, since they have a tendency to stop working very easily.
Installing programs to any removable media is a risk you take if it gets removed, corrupted or disconnected. Amazon had some great deals on Lexar MSD cards but that was yesterday. Still a good option.
However, would the programs possibly run slower that way
Look at the speed of the card... get one that's rated 90mbps or higher.
I just purchased a Lexar Professional 150mbps card on Amazon... will get it sometime tomorrow. I'll let you know how it performs. :)
The Lexar's have good sequential read speed otherwise they are unimpressive. still waiting for the Samsung Pro 128GB to come out. the Samsung Pro 64GB is excellent.
Does anyone have an opinion as to which is better for extra storage. SD card or Flash Drive?

Does anyone have an opinion as to which is better for extra storage. SD card or Flash Drive?

Interesting question. The answer is, it all depends. There are slow and fast versions of each. You will typically find it easier to purchase SD cards that will be faster than most of the flash drives. Mostly because it's difficult to determine the performance of the flash drives. Most SD cards have speeds printer on the card or the package. But it's still all relative. SD would be a better choice just for convenience.

The reason I asked is that having purchased my SP3 with 128gb of storage, (I'd have liked more but the extra cost being too much), I want to add extra storage. Mainly for photos, video and music files.