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Another Wi-Fi Anomaly


Active Member
Problem: My Surface RT will not connect to the wireless network in my shop.

I have four wireless devices: Surface RT, Iphone3GS, Ipad1 & HP Laptop. The other three will connect; Surface will not.

Network environment:
* AT&T DSL Modem & Router live in my office on the outside west wall. Modem/router is 2Wire, with wireless disabled.
-- Office computer is connected directly to the 2Wire router.
-- A Linksys WAP610N is connected directly to the 2Wire. It is set up in 2.4Ghz mode (to be compatible with range extender). SSID = Walden
* About 30 feet away, hanging on an outside north wall is a Cisco RE1000 Range Extender
* A Cisco 8-port, 1G switch connects to the 2Wire and feeds the rest of my network -- Cat5 cable all over the place.
* Approx 100 feet away, on the outside east wall of my shop, is a Cisco 5-port switch, connected to the switch in my office:
-- Shop computer is connected to this switch
-- A Linksys WAP610N is connected to this switch. It is set up in 2.4Ghz mode. SSID = Shop

Connecting devices: Laptop, Iphone & Ipad all connect seamlessly to Shop. They are set to "connect automatically" and make the transition when carried from the house to the shop.

Surface RT will not connect. It sees the Shop SSID at 4 bar strength. When I attempt to connect, it requests password, asks whether I want to enable sharing (yes), then tells me "Can't connect to this network." I have tried all three of the troubleshooters (Network, Internet, Adapter), several times, to no avail.

Other attempts:
* Several reboots of the Surface
* I disabled (by removing power) the Walden WAP610 and the Range Extender
* I did a dns/flush on the Surface and rebooted it (again)
* I tried setting the Shop WAP610 to 5Ghz (I prefer it at 2.4Ghz to accommodate my Iphone; no data plan; prepaid phone service; so it needs wi-fi)

Surface RT still will not connect.

Any new thoughts will be appreciated.

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Interesting. I use WPA2-Personal for my mobile hotspot and have no trouble connecting the Surface. Glad ya got it worked out though.
GPSTrucker --

Yeah, it is interesting, since WPA2-Personal is the encryption level of my WAP610 in the house, the one to which my Surface is normally connected.

I don't understand it, but there are lots of things in life that I don't understand.

Take care,
Sounds like a firmware issue on your WAP610N, are you sure it is the latest?

R0bR --

It is not the latest, as a matter of fact. I updated firmware on the one in my office a week ago, but not the unit in my shop. Will do that today and see what happens.

Sounds like a firmware issue on your WAP610N, are you sure it is the latest?

R0bR --

Thank you! I updated the firmware on the Shop WAP610, changed security back to WPA-2 Personal, and the Surface connected!

Take care,
Sounds like a firmware issue on your WAP610N, are you sure it is the latest?

R0bR --

It is not the latest, as a matter of fact. I updated firmware on the one in my office a week ago, but not the unit in my shop. Will do that today and see what happens.


R0bR --

Thank you! I updated the firmware on the Shop WAP610, changed security back to WPA-2 Personal, and the Surface connected!

Take care,

This is why I can't stress this enough as a starting point for people with wifi issues. Yes I know your "other 10 devices are connecting without issue..." If you want to solve the issue start with the little things and go from there.

I am very glad you were able to resolve the issue with a simple update :D
Ain't tech wonderful! :cool2:

Bosamar --

Yeah, and it gives whole new meaning to the saying that "all things are relative." No matter how much you think you know, there's always somebody who knows more. That's why I love forums (fora?) like this. There is usually someone out there who will point you in the right direction.

Take care,
If you want to solve the issue start with the little things and go from there.

J --

Your point is well taken. Usually, I pride myself on my methodical approach to problem solving, but I blew that one right from the start.

Oh, well, a little humility injection is sometimes helpful. :)

Take care,