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Apps on Start display shows "ACER APPS"

Al oha

New Member
I have been having "fun" with my "new to me" RT. I have had problems getting apps from the store (getting the "too slow" error) so I have started from scratch a couple of times... no joy yet, although with just the base 8.1RT installed (no updates), I can get to the store and see "my apps" which I typically can't do after I start installing windows updates... :-( Anyway, the question here is, on the RT at the START page, it shows my start panel with a "header" of Acer Apps. I find this strange. I do have an Acer tablet pc running 8.1 and the rt does appear to load up "my apps" (the ones that are available for an 8.1rt) when I enter my microsoft account / login... but why the "ACER" header? Wondering if this is causing my problem of not being able to download store apps thereafter? The store "admin" maybe thinks I am running an acer machine and not an RT or visa versa? Anybody seen this or have ideas of what's going on?
I see that this is just a label that can be changed. :) Still wondering how it got set in the first place.