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Audio Issues with production applications


New Member
I have a fully loaded 2017 Surface Pro (17, 16GB, 1TB).

I've been unable to run my music production applications on this device due to major audio issues.

I've tried using Native Instruments Maschine MK3, but I get major audio cut outs and distortion. I've tried everything, increasing the sample size, etc. This is using the Maschine MK3's integrated audio interface with ASIO driver.

I've also tried Ableton Live (9 and the 10 Beta), using the internal sound card (which doesn't support ASIO). I also get terrible distortion, cutouts, and CPU spikes.

Anyone know of a good solution, or place to look?
Adjust your buffer to 2048 ms. With this, I can playback without lags whatsoever even if the CPU is taxed close to 100% load


  • Capture.PNG
    107.6 KB · Views: 524
Buffer size doesn't help.

It seems to be something power related. When connected to AC, the audio issues aren't happening. On battery, it's unusual in applications that are taxing (Ableton, Machine). Normal audio playback (YouTube, etc.) is OK on battery.

So seems some power setting is causing the thing to throttle back and kill performance. Yay, I love Windows!
Buffer size doesn't help.

It seems to be something power related. When connected to AC, the audio issues aren't happening. On battery, it's unusual in applications that are taxing (Ableton, Machine). Normal audio playback (YouTube, etc.) is OK on battery.

So seems some power setting is causing the thing to throttle back and kill performance. Yay, I love Windows!

Since you're using the surface with latency sensitive programs, I'd go full unlock the power option features by disabling connected standby. There you can tweak all of the power saving to minimum when on battery.