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Autocad viewing app?


Anyone know if there is an app in the store for viewing autocad files? Doesn't appear to be anything official from autodesk.
Wait, I think there is while I was browsing before. Let me check.
Sent from my Windows Phone 8S by HTC using Board Express


I'm sorry for giving you false hope.
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CorelCAD is in the store but refers to the Corel site and runs on the desktop.

I'm running AutoCAD 2013 on the Surface with no problems.

You can always use autocadws.com but you need to run it in the desktop IE version.
I assume you are talking about the Pro? I have an RT which can only run apps. There is no Corelcad in the RT app store.

I did however, find a 2d cad app called "Back to the drawing board". It is pricey however, at $18.99
A very good reason to go to your profile and add the description of the version of Surface you have.
Boy, give some info and get bashed :eek:mg:

Sorry I was talking about the Pro. How is the "Back to the Drawing Board"?, Did you purchase it?