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Blind spot for touch on surface


New Member
Hi everybody,

I'm not a native speaker, please dont laugh ;-) I have the following problem: After approximately half an hour to an hour after the last restart my surface develops a blind spot on the top left corner which is about 5 centimeters in diameter. It's only blind for my hand, the pen does not have the same problem. It just doesnt recognise my hand at all in this spot. Restarting helps but this solution isn't really satisfying. I have the latest updates installed and reapeatedly did the touchpad calibration. It doesnt help. I can't send it back to microsoft because, as I said, the spot isn't blind permanently, it has to be a software problem.

Has anybody heard of this problem and knows a solution? I'm using the i5-Version with 4 gb of ram.
Hi everybody,

I'm not a native speaker, please dont laugh ;-) I have the following problem: After approximately half an hour to an hour after the last restart my surface develops a blind spot on the top left corner which is about 5 centimeters in diameter. It's only blind for my hand, the pen does not have the same problem. It just doesnt recognise my hand at all in this spot. Restarting helps but this solution isn't really satisfying. I have the latest updates installed and reapeatedly did the touchpad calibration. It doesnt help. I can't send it back to microsoft because, as I said, the spot isn't blind permanently, it has to be a software problem.

Has anybody heard of this problem and knows a solution? I'm using the i5-Version with 4 gb of ram.

Hi L.B.,

This is issue is not unheard of. Basically, the only way to know for sure if it's a software problem, or an intermittent hardware problem, is to do a full reset and reinstall Windows, and start your machine fresh. If you still have the issue after that, you can pretty much bet that it's a hardware issue.

Sorry I don't have better advice.