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Bluetooth works fine but fails to startup w/ boot


I am stumped. Every time I start my beloved sp3, I have to enable bluetooth within device manager. Is that normal? I want bluetooth to start automatically. BTW, I unchecked the turn off to save power attribute but that does not help. What am I missing?

First of all, make sure that bluetooth is turned on in PC settings>PC and device>Bluetooth. Next, go to desktop and look in the notification tray and look for the bluetooth icon. If it's not there, bluetooth may still be on but the icon may have been accidentally deleted. Go to your start screen and search for something like "Change bluetooth settings". (Mine's in Japanese and I don't know the exact wording.) In that setting, there will be an option to display the bluetooth icon. Check it if it hasn't been already.

If you're saying that all of the above has been done and bluetooth still doesn't show up after a reboot, I'll need more details...
Bluetooth does not appear in PC Settings nor is the icon visible after boot. Once I enable bluetooth in device manager, bluetooth does appear in PC settings and is on. Additionally, the icon does appear in the notification tray after bluetooth is enabled in device manager...a little frustrating.
Too bad it wasn't easy fix...

OK, did this bug appear right from the very beginning when you bought your SP3, or after a certain event like an update or changing a setting somewhere? If it's right from the very beginning and you've done all your updates correctly, it might be a BIOS (UEFI) problem. If it was working fine before but then suddenly started producing this bug, we'll need to delve further and try out more things.