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Buy surface pro 3 now or wait?


New Member
Hello all,

Yes, it is another famous "buy now or wait" but it is kind of a big decision for me.

I can only afford to make these big purchases like once every 3-4 year, so i wanna be really happy with my purchase.

I have decided to buy a surface pro, but i have no idea wether or not i should buy it now or wait for the surface pro 4.

Latest RUMORS i hear is a release might be in October. I am fine waiting to mid-october at the latest, but if it aint coming out before January i will pick up the Pro 3, otherwise i can just keep waiting.

So, what do you guys think? I would actually love to get a Microsoft representatives opinion on this (i know they cant say anything about the release cycle, but they can give advice on purchases based on customer preferences).

I will be using it ONLY for programming and developing web and desktop applications, so nothing game-intensive. I might as well pick up the i7 i think to get faster processing. I need a fast computer so i can be productive :)

Hope for some advice. My question is actually 2-fold:
1. To buy now, or wait?
2. IF i were to buy now, which model? Main purposes is to have productivity in the high-seat, which is why i'm getting a surface. I will mainly be programming / developing on it using Visual Studio and other IDE's.

Thanks everyone. I really look forward to getting my hands on this wonderful machine!
Cant render an opinion until I know what the Surface Pro 4 is... hmm, I guess that's a wait. :)
Well does anyone have any clue on how long i would have to wait? Has microsoft said ANYTHING at all? Or have they booked a press conference or have some sort of event coming up where you could expect something to come out?
Yep rumors only.

@seerex, if you can wait, I would, at least to see what the specs will be on the SP4. You may not be impressed with them, and then you wait until release day and buy yourself an SP3 at a tidy discount.
There is so much awesome tech available, or coming out soon, that I would wait. I reckon this new one is going to be amazing. I'm already looking into sending back my sp3 for replacement so I can then get it on gumtree. I also do not buy expensive things very often, but I'm excited enough about the potential of the sp4 that I'm gonna sell my sp3 after only 12 months. Fortunately it only cost me 400 so its not like I will make a loss on it :)

I say don't buy anything til you need it. Wait til October, you'll either get a choice of the sp4, or the sp3 at their lowest prices as I predict eBay will be flooded
Well does anyone have any clue on how long i would have to wait? Has microsoft said ANYTHING at all? Or have they booked a press conference or have some sort of event coming up where you could expect something to come out?

Yes there are two Microsoft conferences coming up... one on 4th September, and another on the 24th.

I think bets are on for a Surface Pro 4 reveal, but probably not release for around a month afterwards. As far as I know it's been confirmed that although the first one is a hardware conference, it will not be about anything new on the Windows Phone front. They've got to reveal something else then haven't they :)