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Cover Closed


Hey guys, this is a little embarrassing because I consider myself somewhat technical; however with all these updates going on for the Surface Pro 2, I have noticed over the past month that whenever I close the touch cover and place it in my sleeve, upon pulling it out hours later, the battery is down and the unit feels very warm. Today I shut the cover and when I pulled it back out 30 minutes later, the screen was dim and the screensaver was running. I haven't screwed around with the sleep/hibernation settings when the cover is closed, so I am wondering why it's not going to sleep fully.
Hey guys, this is a little embarrassing because I consider myself somewhat technical; however with all these updates going on for the Surface Pro 2, I have noticed over the past month that whenever I close the touch cover and place it in my sleeve, upon pulling it out hours later, the battery is down and the unit feels very warm. Today I shut the cover and when I pulled it back out 30 minutes later, the screen was dim and the screensaver was running. I haven't screwed around with the sleep/hibernation settings when the cover is closed, so I am wondering why it's not going to sleep fully.
I've found that if I leave my touch cover disconnected then the next morning my battery is still full(ish). Leaving it connected will drain the battery. I'm going to try modifying the 'allow this device to wake your computer' setting in device manager tonight to see if that makes a difference. Hopefully one of the many issues that will be addressed in the upcoming patch of all patches
On a positive note, MSI released a patch for the GS70 to eliminate the noisy fan problems that have been bugging us for months, so not all's bad in the tech world
I haven't screwed around with the sleep/hibernation settings when the cover is closed, so I am wondering why it's not going to sleep fully.
Because of a buggy SW and/or FW... :sorry:

The Surface Pro boots fast enough that you can set it to hibernate, either directly, or after an X number of minutes. You may need to tinker with the settings a bit because there appears to minor differences between different units, so what works for one, may not work for someone else.