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Docking station text/item size issue

Jasper Minnaert

New Member
Dear all,

We have a few surface pro 3's in our company. However one issue keeps popping up.
We connect these surfaces with a docking station to an external monitor. The item/text size is huge, really really huge. What I do is go to screen resolution>make text and other items larger or smaller and I choose the smallest option. This provides them with a perfect resolution. However, if you undock the surface this setting is remembered and the desktop is truly supersmall. Unworkably small. So I have to tell my (not so IT savvy) colleagues to change the setting themselves. This is a massive inconvenience, one that we do not have on our laptops.

Is there a solution to this? Are we doing something wrong?

Thanks a bunch!

Jasper - VIB
Switch to Windows 8.1 Scaling instead of XP Scaling (Slider vs. Radio Button). We have multiple threads on this very topic, a quick search will give you step by step instructions. And welcome to our community.

Search Results for Query: Scaling | Microsoft Surface Forums

Which specific thread, there are a lot of them at this link? They ones I read on your link conclude that you have to log out and log in every time you undock & dock with an external display or else the desktop icon fonts and file explorer fonts go nuts ... which has been my experience. This is a common scenario that I would expect to be fixed before a real product is released.
Which specific thread, there are a lot of them at this link? They ones I read on your link conclude that you have to log out and log in every time you undock & dock with an external display or else the desktop icon fonts and file explorer fonts go nuts ... which has been my experience. This is a common scenario that I would expect to be fixed before a real product is released.
Hi db11 and welcome to the forum...

As you may have noticed this thread is from 2014 and relates to Windows 8.1 and the SP3. You have a SP4 and are running Windows 10, again there are relevant threads to your situation. Windows 10 handles this much better but still recommends the log on/off because most legacy software is unable to adapt has they use XP GDI Scaling vs. NT 6.x and higher Vector Scaling.