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Downloading my onenotes from Onedrive


New Member
Good afternoon to all and thanks for reading my topic.

I am a new user here in the forum and also new to the SP3 and i would like to make a request for help. I bought it because i loved the pen and the ability to write and i have it for 1 week now. Nonetheless i understood it saves our notes into the cloud onedrive but i really wanted to be able to download them into my hard drive so i can keep a backup of everything i write.... but i dont seem to get that option, i only have and option that say share.......... does anyone have the same problem or know how to download our notes ? (i leave a picture below)


Any suggestions are super welcomed !

All the best
If you are using the Free version of OneNote, cloud is the only option, the paid version opens up the possibility of locally sourced notebooks....
Ok, so i will have to register my version of OneNOTE or get a registered version of OneNOTE to save it to my folders is that guaranteed ?

I seem not to understand why cant we save our notes and drawings in our external hard drive.......

Opinions on this mysterious subject are very welcomed guys !

You can export them just not store entire notebooks locally, it is a built in limitation of the free version...

If you have Office 365 Subscription or a Paid version of Office 2013 you can store locally.
i see..... in that case what are the steps to export my notes individually ? what should i do or where should i go to ?

opinions are welcomed
File.....Export....Then chose which option....

very cool jnjroach....... but since i am in windows 8.1 version of one note how to i get to that file menu on the left ?

i tried clicking everywhere and cant find how to.......
very cool jnjroach....... but since i am in windows 8.1 version of one note how to i get to that file menu on the left ?

i tried clicking everywhere and cant find how to.......
If you are using the MUI version of OneNote, then locally stored notebooks are not supported under any circumstance and neither is exporting. You can get the desktop version for free as well now...I use both for different reasons....
I knew i was right. But if they are saved directly into the cloud how come the cloud does not have a save - export option ????

ok......2 questions :

1 - can this desktop version be activated with the pen click aswell ?

2 - i have the feeling this version im using in windows 8.1 is not also able to to handwriting recognition, can you confirm that jnjroach ?

all the best
Yes, you need to make it the default and make sure you run Windows Update to grab the patch.