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Glitch on first setup


New Member
Hi all, hope you had a good Christmas.

I just bought a Surface Pro 3 today. When doing the initial setup, it seemed to glitch out. I went through the setup wizard just fine, but when it booted and I logged in it went to a completely blank desktop and froze there. It was detecting my touches, but it would not swipe in the charms from the right, and the windows button wouldn't take me to the start screen. I couldn't really do anything.

I was able to do a full factory reset from the login screen. This time during the setup wizard I chose express settings instead of advanced, and everything is working great now. Maybe there was a bug with my combo of settings in the original advanced setup???

I was curious if others had issues like this or any thoughts on the matter. I get that it's working now, but part of me is curious if maybe it has a corrupt image or something and I should exchange it or a new one.

Thanks for any advice you have.
Welcome AJ and congrats on your new purchase. I have setup many SP3s over the past 6 months and even more Widnows 8.1 machines. Like with any software the setup can occassionally crash, the blank screen points to either Explorer.exe or the Intel Video Driver Crashing.

I would make sure you apply the updates especially the Firmware Update that should be available.
No doubt the Surface Pro devices have many updates to apply, and sometimes these seem to stumble over one another. Glad you've got it working, now.

Congrats on a fine device, and for finding us here at the Surface Forums.
I do hope they update the Factory Image and Recovery Images periodically as soon the serial updating may take longer than the device lifetime. :eek: