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Solved Graphics Control Panel/Scaling/Overscan

Actually, you know what? I don't like the idea of having to install drivers that are not certified for my hardware and subsequently have to hide official updates. I don't think that's any kind of solution at all. I think it's a straight forward issue of Intel updating their drivers for Surface. And I'm going to leave it at that. My experience with Microsoft technical support has been endlessly frustrating. I'm just hoping that someone with influence will see this thread and take it upon themselves to do something about this problem.

If I'm doing something wrong, or overlooking something, I'm certainly open to suggestions/instructions. But it feels like alot of hoops to jump through to jail-break a Surface when the issue can be resolved by Intel and Microsoft without much effort.

Just letting you know, Intel doesn't have much to do with it. Microsoft takes the Intel driver and then tweaks it for compatibility with Connected Standby and power usage. Lots of folks do of course just use an Intel driver because it offers more fine-tuning controls.

I do agree though, it can be annoying to have to keep up with what's installed, hiding updates, etc.
Thanks to the moderators and administrators for the replies. I'm still researching, still looking at how to get this driver installed. But it's not what I'd prefer, as I mentioned previously. I have no problem with putting the onus on Microsoft to devise a solution (i.e. simply include those scaling/overscan options with the drivers for Surface). I know it's kind of an obscure thing to request... but as you're surely aware I'm not the only person with this dilemma. I think Microsoft should view this problem as an opportunity to make their (already pretty spiffy) hardware even more versatile.
Ok. I wish I could get that far. I've just spent the last half hour trying to manually update the driver. Each time, it tells me that the latest version of the driver is already installed. I tried first uninstalling the driver beforehand, but it seems to just reinstall itself. I'll post back here with some screenshots in a few minutes.
You have to have downloaded the zip file as @jnjroach said a few posts back, unzip it to any location (I use my Download folder), then choose "Browse my computer for driver software", then pick "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer", then click the "Have disk..." button. Then click the Browse button and navigate to the downloaded unzip files and in the Graphics folder pick the igdlh64.inf file.
Sweet, thanks for the specifics. This is just what I was looking for. It saddens me that I will have to go about this the hard way, though, as I'll have to be ever mindful about not reinstalling the official driver from Microsoft. I look forward to the day Microsoft resolves this issue, rather than making us jailbreak our Surfaces.
Alright, I have successfully installed the latest driver for Intel HD Graphics 5000. I now have access to the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel. However, when I go to set a custom resolution for my TV (1920x1080 + 10% underscan, for example) I get an error message saying I've input invalid numbers and that I should refer to my device's manual for supported resolutions. If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears. I've tried a number of resolutions... I can set custom resolutions, but as soon as I try to use the underscan slider, I get the error message.
Alright, I have successfully installed the latest driver for Intel HD Graphics 5000. I now have access to the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel. However, when I go to set a custom resolution for my TV (1920x1080 + 10% underscan, for example) I get an error message saying I've input invalid numbers and that I should refer to my device's manual for supported resolutions. If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears. I've tried a number of resolutions... I can set custom resolutions, but as soon as I try to use the underscan slider, I get the error message.
I searched through this thread and can't see that anybody has asked this yet: Do you have a 1080i television? There is a well documented issue with Intel graphics and interlaced (rather than progressive scan) sets. I discovered this myself when hooking up to my 1080i Vizio TV.
Thank you for the heads up. I'll do my best to bring this to the attention of Intel and Microsoft.
I think this one is on Intel. When I set up my desktop PC using the Vizio as a second monitor (HDMI cable from NVidia GTX760 to Vizio) I am able to adjust for overscan in the graphics properties.