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I Gig for surface


New Member
I am currently using "I GIG" to organize all my digital sheet music and fake books. Does surface have a similar app or is there a way to convert my "I GIG" to surface?
I don't think so. I am also waiting for some decent music apps, like the IPAD has - IPAD definitely owns the market for music production and hoping MS will come up with something decent to compete, but know how the music industry is, it maybe too late for MS to catch up. I play guitar and am hoping we get some I-Rig type apps - the question will be if RT can handle low latency.

I was successful in plugging in a USB guitar interface and playing thorugh the RT, but since we have no apps, couldn't do much.

For the moment, I am just using pdfs for music sheets, or Word. Also use Ultimate Guitar website for Tabs.
the iPad is sh*t - just like each and every other device from Apple's portfolio. Apple shall follow Jobs into hell!
the iPad is sh*t - just like each and every other device from Apple's portfolio. Apple shall follow Jobs into hell!

OK Max_1981 - lets ease back on the profanity, this is the third thread with profanity laced replies/posts today...
