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Is Bill Gates back?


Staff member
While listening to CNBC this morning I heard them talking about rumors that Bill Gates was back @ Microsoft. They didn't specify to what degree, but it got me thinking how involved he might have been with the Surface Development. I think it would be neat to seem him come back and take Microsoft to the next level.
Just 2 weeks ago I saw Bill on Charlie Rose doing an interview. All Bill said about being back at Microsoft is that sometimes they call him into the board room to make final decisions or give ideas about something they have been working on.
I wouldn't be surprised as he is a huge fan of tablets.

I bet his office is a tablet! Walls, desk, floor, roof all Pixelsense with Surface Tablets sitting on top of them. What else should we expect from a huge fan of tablets who is also the richest* man in the world? :D

I bet his office is a tablet! Walls, desk, floor, roof all Pixelsense with Surface Tablets sitting on top of them. What else should we expect from a huge fan of tablets who is also the richest* man in the world? :D


Hehe, i sure wouldn't be surprised if that were true =]