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Kickstand blocks rear camera if opened at widest angle (and other rants)

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New Member
I mean, how stupid is this? The cameras are lousy enough as they are, so why compound it with such stupidity.

I'm barely 24 hours into using this piece of scientific wonder, and I've seen all the lockups, bugs, wi-fi issues, pen issues, and stupid features that I care to see. I'm pretty much ready to return this to the lemon factory.

Windows Store still has sucky selections after 3 years. I guess no one wants to write apps for such a sucky platform.

For $800 I can buy a REAL laptop with FOURTEEN-inch screen, 500GB solid-state drive, multiple USB ports, standard SD card slot.

In short, this Surface line is NEVER going to stack up to other tablets nor other laptops, let alone replacing them. It will be another failed attempt at the mobile market by Microsoft just like Tablet PCs and Pocket PCs.
Well the camera can only have one angle, it can't work at every angle the Surface is at.

Talking about laptops, you buy a Surface for its many advantages over laptops. Surface can be used in tight spaces, Surface can be used without a keyboard for casual browsing/writing, Surface supports many useful touch gestures, it has a stylus, it is probably the most premium line of Windows devices that exists and personally I love them.

If you want the processing power to play PlanetSide 2 - get a laptop. If you want 3 USB ports - get a laptop. If you want upgradable storage - get a laptop.

If you want a premium Windows device, with a stylus, touch screen and detachable keyboard - among other features, that can easily be used anywhere and any time - If you want the thinnest, lightest, most portable, convenient and feature rich device on the market, get a Surface.
Erm OK, when would you need to use the rear camera and have the kick stand open all the way....??? To take pictures of your kneecaps or the tabletop?

Anyway enjoy your new $800 real laptop I'm sure it'll be much better for you, I'm not sure why you ended up buying the Surface in the first place.
I mean, how stupid is this? The cameras are lousy enough as they are, so why compound it with such stupidity.

Blah, blah, blah...

If you look for stupidity, you don't have look at any further than your own comment. I am not a patient man, so I don't care to explain. I just want to point you to bestbuy.com, search for "Surface Pro 3", and go to user reviews. Learn a thing or too from the real SP3 owners.
cwy - I'd consider buying your SP3 for 50% off the retail price. and actually, you can get a pretty decent laptop for well under $600 if you think a laptop would suit you better. As a matter of fact, I would swap you a good Lenovo laptop for your Surface. Give us your Surface configuration. We know it must be a SP3 or you wouldn't be able to take pictures of your kickstand.
Erm OK, when would you need to use the rear camera and have the kick stand open all the way....??? To take pictures of your kneecaps or the tabletop?

When your kickstand is opened all the way and suddenly someone or something appears that you need to take a picture of. After you spend 10-15 seconds closing the kickstand to unblock the camera, that someone or something is already gone. See it now?

If you look for stupidity, you don't have look at any further than your own comment. I am not a patient man, so I don't care to explain. I just want to point you to bestbuy.com, search for "Surface Pro 3", and go to user reviews. Learn a thing or too from the real SP3 owners.

That's right, keep up the arrogant attitude. If people like you actually outnumber the Android and iOS users, then you may actually get other people to listen to you. But you don't overnumber them, see? Not even close. So who should do the listening? It's YOU and Microsoft.
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cwy - I'd consider buying your SP3 for 50% off the retail price. and actually, you can get a pretty decent laptop for well under $600 if you think a laptop would suit you better. As a matter of fact, I would swap you a good Lenovo laptop for your Surface. Give us your Surface configuration. We know it must be a SP3 or you wouldn't be able to take pictures of your kickstand.

I'm going to return my SP3 for a full refund so guess whether I would take your offer or not. Sooner or later you'll be offering YOUR SP3 for 50% off too, lol. Start looking forward to Windows 9 and SP4, guys, and hoping it won't be a lemon.
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Well the camera can only have one angle, it can't work at every angle the Surface is at.

Talking about laptops, you buy a Surface for its many advantages over laptops. Surface can be used in tight spaces, Surface can be used without a keyboard for casual browsing/writing, Surface supports many useful touch gestures, it has a stylus, it is probably the most premium line of Windows devices that exists and personally I love them.

If you want the processing power to play PlanetSide 2 - get a laptop. If you want 3 USB ports - get a laptop. If you want upgradable storage - get a laptop.

If you want a premium Windows device, with a stylus, touch screen and detachable keyboard - among other features, that can easily be used anywhere and any time - If you want the thinnest, lightest, most portable, convenient and feature rich device on the market, get a Surface.

SP3's kickstand is way overrated. Its multi-angular placement was first done in the beginning of time: it was called LAPTOP COVER then. This kickstand simply does it upside down.

And it actually WASTE space compared to regular laptops. Your legs need to be longer just to rest it on your lap as shown in this diagram, which by the way was done on S Note of Galaxy Note, which is the real premiere stylus tablet.

um it just took me 1/2 a second to close my kickstand, I'm guessing you are 80 years old or have parkinsons?
Doesn't matter how fast you can do it. On other devices it takes ZERO second, Lol. And most people can't close the kickstand in half second, admit it.
All they had to do was make some kind of hole or opening so the kickstand wouldn't block the camera.
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